Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

Year: 2021

Month: May

Request Number: A-2021-00003

Request Summary: I would like to request ATIP to disclosure file/records of my company ([Personal information withheld]) and CNSC licence fees for how they are added up on all my invoices from 2015-2020 for Industrial Radiography 812 specifically they are; Base hours, Variable hours and Hourly rate, as stated in Cost Recovery Fees and Regulations SOR/2003-212, sub sections 11, 12, and 14. And the base number total for all of companies in the IR 812 for each year 2015-2020 with the number of how many IR 812 companies there were in each year totalled. Recap; Base hour total for each year and how many companies in total for each year. And/or a list of all IR 812 company's and how many base hours, and variable hour to each. List of all items; 1. Base hours, Variable hours and Hourly rate (for [Personal information withheld] and all other IR 812 licences), specifically explain the tracking system CNSC uses to add up each company to Base hours or variable hours. 2. All the financials for the CNSC, related to operating for each year 2014-2020. The corporate proper accountant book keeping and summaries. 3. Total Number of employees, salaries for all staff members, commission and VP Executives and break down of how many staff are working on each user type in each department for the numbers into each, and how the Nuclear substances and Prescribed equipment directors add up time for each user type related to base hours and variable hours. It is suspected there is cross funding occurring between different user types, example nuclear medicine department vs IR 812 or others this would be identified though proper time keeping while each staff member is working on each licensee. This would be for calculating full cost. 4. Number or how many people are there in each location with square footage and rent for those locations. 5. Discloser on all CNSC-CRAG meeting agendas and minutes (including any audio or transcript documents) as 2016, 2020 and the last March 25 2021 are missing from website. 6. How the vetting process is for CRAG members, applications, forms and Ethics if any. 7. CNSC Code of Ethic and Values – forms and all documents related for staff, public and stakeholders. 8. Any unethical interoffice e-mails or communication or documentation on file that is conflict of interest with the roles and duties of the CNSC staff related to [Name withheld], [Personal information withheld]. It will be the CNSC staff in the department that looks after IR 812 and CNSC Finance department including the Commision and Executives that I have been deal with.

Disposition: Disclosed in part

Number of pages: 113

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