Organization: Privy Council Office
Year: 2023
Month: May
Request Number: A-2022-00366
Request Summary: The following briefing notes: "Canadian Innovation and Investment Agency", 2022-08-03, Ref #: 21960600E; "Interview with Kathryn May, Policy Options Author and Journalist", 2022-08-10, Ref #: 2022-COMM-00004; "Foreign Agent Registry", 2022-08-18, Ref #: 2022-SI-00091; "Deputy Prime Minister Office Cabinet Confidence Leak" , 2022-09-02, Ref #: 2022-SECOPS-00009; "Treasury Board Secretariat Cabinet Confidence Leak", 2022-09-07, Ref #: 2022-SECOPS-00010.
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages: 58