Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada

Year: 2020

Month: March

Request Number: A-2020-00003

Request Summary: Copies of these briefing notes, excluding likely cabinet confidences: 1. *Note for Meeting with *redacted* CEO 2020-03-31, Ref # F940-10-6352 2. **redacted* 2020-03-06, Ref # F980-68-1115 *Potential changes to DTI regulatory requirements, 2020-03-19, Ref # F200-10-11174 3. 3.**redacted*, 2020-03-31, Ref # F210-23-4029 4. *Requests from DTIs on capital and liquidity, 2020-03-31, Ref # F200-10-11269 5. *FISC Document Package, 2020-03-16, Ref # G200-34-227 6. *FISC Annotated Agenda, 2020-03-16, Ref #G200-34-198 7. *Annotated Agenda SRC call March 11, 2020-03-16, Ref # G200-98-388 8. *BRIEFING ANNOTATED AGENDA Plenary Conf Call Monday 30 March 2020, 2020-03-27, Ref # G200-121-312 9. *Documents MARCH 31ST 2020 Executive Committee meeting, 2020-03-31, Ref # G100-21-1058

Disposition: Disclosed in part

Number of pages: 37

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