Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Canada Development Investment Corporation

Year: 2021

Month: April

Request Number: A 2020_0003

Request Summary: January 1, 2019 to present, internal and consultant reports on acquiring, managing, selling government assets or in taking an equity position in private companies. Provide January 1, 2020 to present, discussions, memos about administering financing/loans for large businesses that lead to the announced LEEFF program and a CDEV (CEEFC) administrative assigned role. Provide estimated CDEV (CEEFC) costs, including start-up costs to administer the LEEFF program over the next 5 years and preliminary work plans and budget, new evaluation and assessment procedures and terms and application forms for this new area of responsibilities. Include any summary of numbers and type of registrants/ number of applicants to date and projected and those accepted, on hold, and rejected. Include procedures and memos prepared should LEEFF loans need to become equity positions (that includes more on CEEFC compensation via warrants). Include data on consultants hired and their costs and terms of reference to review LEEFC applicants

Disposition: No records exist

Number of pages: 85

Date modified: