Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Canada Infrastructure Bank

Year: 2023

Month: July

Request Number: A-2024-002

Request Summary: I noticed that pictures and names of risk leaders have been removed from CIB website. Are there any changes in risk team at CIB within last two year since joining of new head of board? What are the changes, any new persons joined or left CIB? Why those changes happened, what were the reasons? Were there any voluntary resignations or some persons asked by company to leave? What were the processes followed when new persons were hired and old persons left or removed? Were the new positions publicly advertised? How many persons applied to positions filled? How many persons were interviewed? Please provide all details related to hiring and end of job, for each role, no need to mention any names, provide each job title and all details of the reasons and complete processes followed

Disposition: All disclosed

Number of pages: 36

Date modified: