Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

Year: 2020

Month: October

Request Number: A-2020-00081

Request Summary: CNSC sent me a document "E-DOCS-#6109415-v1-Spent_Fuel_Pool_Fukushima_Action_Item__[Personal Information Removed].DOC" that misspelled my name to [Personal Information Removed] in its title and contained references to a number of documents that CNSC either prepared or received from the licensees. Please provide all those documents in their entirety. These include but are not limited to : CNSC Staff Closure of FAI (#4117205), FAI (#4144706), FAI (#4410918), FAI (#4426850), FAI (#4232716), FAI (#4117205), FAI (#4232716),FAI (#4144706),FAI (#4410918),of FAI (#4117205) and revised submission accepted, FAI (#4196904),FAI (#4022201). ,FAI (#4422724),FAI (#4426850), FAI (#4232716), FAI (#4144706),CNSC Staff Closure of FAI (#4410918),CNSC Staff Closure of FAI (#4426850), CNSC Staff Closure of FAI (#4117205) and revised submission accepted (#4196904), AI 1410-5083 (#4709836), Additional information requested for IFB instrumentation, 2013-12-04, (#423271 CNSC Staff justification (CMD 12-M23.B), CNSC Staff justification (CMD 12-M23.B) OPG Reports - NREP-09013-10002, December 21, 2012, NREP-09013-10001 R000, December 21, 2012, Bruce Power reports NK21-REP-24144-00001 ROO , NB Power report 0087-242S2-7000-001-AR-A-OO, October 2013,IR-35360-01, Rev.1 , Jul Hydro Quebec report - 66-24380-AR-001 rév. 0., Février, 2014. ,Mesure a prendre suite a Fukushima 1.6.1 : Evaluation de l’intégrité structurale de la piscine de combustible irradié a haute température (dossier 1410-5083)

Disposition: Disclosed in part

Number of pages: 122

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