Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Health Canada

Year: 2021

Month: September

Request Number: A-2021-000841

Request Summary: Proof that there is in fact a Sars coV-2 virus that has been Isolated in "Untainted Human Blood" taken from a living person. NOT requesting PCR data or information on a Lab Culture using unknown DNA to produce a Corona Virus. Actual proof that Sars coV-2 has been isolated using untainted human blood from a living person. Not a Computer generated Virus or a group of symptoms that have been labeled Covid -19 (aka Sars coV-2). Since everything that has happened in Canada and around the world over the last year and a half (since approx. Feb. 2020) has hinged on Sars coV-2 being an actual ISOLATED VIRUS. Peer reviewed papers proving Sars coV-2 exists ON ITS OWN from a Untainted Human blood sample.

Disposition: No records exist

Number of pages: 0

Date modified: