Release Notes Canada’s Third Biennial Plan to the Open Government Partnership (2016-2018) Consultation Data

Series Name: Open Government Action Plan Consultation Data (2016)

Key Words

3BP, Open Government Action Plan, Consultation, Consultations, National Action Plan, NAP,  Public Consultation, Public Consultations, Comments, OGP, Open Government Partnership, What We Heard.

Series Description:

From March 31 to July 15, 2016, the Government of Canada conducted public consultations in support of developing Canada’s Third Biennial Plan to the Open Government Partnership (2016-2018).  The datasets contain the comments, questions and ideas received, as well as the coding added to conduct the qualitative analysis. Private personal identifiers have been removed from the data. There are two sets of data: one entitled “Compilation” and the other, “Individual Comments”, as well as a supporting document entitled release notes that describes the content in detail.

For additional information on the methodology used, please see the “Gathering and Analysis” section of the “What We Heard” report.

Official Languages:

Consultations were conducted in English and French, and comments were always encouraged in either official language.

Comments and summaries provided by citizens who participated in the consultations appear in the language in which they were provided.

Summary notes created by government employees and the complete “What We Heard” report are provided in both official languages.

Each dataset is described below, along with a list of abbreviations at the end of the document.   

Compilation —Open Government Action Plan Consultation Data (2016)


The dataset includes comments, questions and ideas from a variety of sources identified in the source field; these include web comments, in-person event table worksheets, meeting notes, and social media posts. The compilation data includes data from two fields also found in the Individual Comments data.

Field Descriptions:

Row# - is a unique identifier

Votes – some ideas generated online have “votes”. Where the result is a number, it indicates the number of votes the idea received, where it is Yes, it indicates that it was the number one idea from an in-person table as determined by the table, and where there is no entry, there are no votes associated with that comment.

Context – additional context is provided for the comment which is dependent upon the source. In the case of most web comments, the context is the name of the web page or idea that the comment is associated with. In the case of twitter comments, the context refers to whether the comment is a directly associated with the action plan (AP) or refers to a blog or web site that is indirectly associated with the plan.  In the case of in-person events, the context refers to the focus question the comment relates to.

Source – identifies the source of the comment:

Comment, Question or Idea– this is the main body of a comment. Some comments that included more than one idea were broken into separate entries that are connected by the context field. Text is displayed in the language it was provided.

PLEASE NOTE: Some comments are quite lengthy and may exceed the cell display limit in some programs such as Excel 2003. If this occurs, the entire text can usually be viewed in the formula bar which can be expanded by clicking and dragging.

Comment, Question or Idea Translation if available – In accordance with the official languages statement,when the comment was summarized by an employee of the Government of Canada, it was translated, when the comment was provided directly by a participant in their own words, it was not.

The following represent category fields that were added during the analysis; it is these fields that drive most of the data visualization in the “What We Heard” report:

Primary Commitment and Secondary Commitment– assigns the comment to the proposed Third Biennial Plan commitments and other interest areas:

Primary Theme – links the comment to the themes of the Third Biennial Plan to the Open Government Partnership (2016-2018):

What We Heard (WWH) Theme- represents the themes that emerged during analysis and were used to structure the “What We Heard” report:

Final Disposition- verifies whether a comment has been covered in an existing commitment, if it should be considered for a future Open Government Plan, or if it could help shape the implementation of a specific commitment:

INDIVIDUAL COMMENTS —Open Government Action Plan CONSULTATION Data (2016)


All comment data collected from Individual Worksheets that participants completed as part of the in-person sessions. This data is presented in the language in which it was provided by participants.

A sample of the worksheet can be found in the appendices of the “What We Heard” report.  A subset of this data (the Public Engagement Question and 1 Practical Idea) is included in the “Compilation” dataset.   

Field Descriptions:

Row – is a unique numerical identifier

Event – represents the event at which the Individual Feedback form was collected:

Source –identifies the source of the comment:

Sector – The sector the participant self-identified with:

Public engagement question (also in “Compilation”)– participant’s answer to the question; “One question I would like to see explored in public engagement sessions on Open Government is:”

1 Practical idea (also in “Compilation”) – participant’s answer to the question; “One practical idea about how to make government more open might be:”

3 words – Three words that describe why the participant was attending the event

OG is important because – participant’s answer to the question, “Open Government is important to me because:”

Preferred way(s) to participate in OG – participant’s answer to the question; “Ways I would like to participate in the Open Government initiative in the future is/are:

  1. On-line forums
  2. Online surveys
  3. Social media
  4. In-person workshops on particular topics
  5. Open public meetings
  6. Commenting on documents online or by email
  7. Other

What did you like most – participant’s answer to the question; “What did you like most about the session?”

Dislike – participant’s answer to the question; “What did you dislike most about the session?”

Improvements –participant’s answer to the question; “How can we improve the Open Government consultation experience?”

Would you recommend – participant’s answer to the question; “Overall, would you recommend a colleague to participate in this consultation session” 1 = Not at all, 10 = definitely

Other Comments – participant’s general comments


APPENDIX 6: Consultation Data

These files contain the raw comments and coding used to produce the “What We Heard” report.

Context WORDS

Compilation sheet - Context data

One Practical Idea- ARMA

One Practical Idea- Edmonton

One Practical Idea- Montreal

One Practical Idea- Ottawa

One Practical Idea- Toronto

One Practical Idea- Victoria

One Practical Idea- Whitehorse

“Government accountability”

“Problematic governance”

A duty to document

Add support for a postal code geocoder

Addressing disincentives to open information

Adopt an iterative, flexible procurement model

Advocate for global taxation accountability

Anti-SLAPP legislation

AP Comment

AP comment – indirect

Beneficial ownership transparency

Bring SeeClickFix to Canada

Canada’s New Plan on Open Government

Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government 2014-2016

Clarify how the Official Languages Act interacts with the Directive on Open Government

Conversational – Quotable

Create a legal and cultural framework

Creating Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government

Crowdsourcing/open-sourcing conception

Data modelling/open data

Deficit spending – not in favour

Detailed email from Victoria participant

Detailed submission into helping shape Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government 2016-2018

Develop an open data standard for…

Digital Preservation

Digital repository for GoC publications

Digital/web literacy/participation

Discretion for frivolous and vexatious…

General discussion

Donations to MPs publicly published

Draft Plan

Draft Plan – Detailed Submission

Draft Plan -- letter addressed to TBS President Scott Brison

Draft Plan – AP 3 events page

Draft Plan – ATI

Draft Plan – Beneficial ownership

Draft plan – blog post

Draft Plan – Canadian corporations

Draft Plan – feedback from ON OG Team

Draft Plan – OD Working Group

Draft Plan – site

Draft Plan Blog post

Email freedom

Endorse and fully implement international transparency initiatives

Endorsing parliamentary openness in…

Engaging parliamentary data users to…

Enhancing Whistleblower protection

Environmental enforcement and compliance database

Establish a multi-stakeholder forum


Expand GitHub usage in GoC

Expand  Open Government Licence to include CBC and NFB


Fiber Optic Access for all citizens

Future Engagement Question – ARMA

Future Engagement Question –  Edmonton

Future Engagement Question – Montreal

Future Engagement Question – Ottawa

Future Engagement Question – Toronto

Future Engagement Question –Victoria

Future Engagement Question – Whitehorse

Global and cross-sector collaboration on open data agriculture and nutrition

Government proposals to revitalize…

Government-wide waiver of Crown copyright

Group – what shld be included – Victoria

Group – what shld be included – ARMA

Group – what shld be included – ARMA – #1 Idea

Group – what shld be included –Edmonton

Group – what shld be included – Edmonton – #1 Idea

Group – what shld be included –Montreal

Group – what shld be included – Montreal – #1 Idea

Group – what shld be included – Ottawa

Group – what shld be included – Ottawa – #1 Idea

Group – what shld be included – Toronto

Group – what shld be included – Toronto – #1 Idea

Group – what shld be included – Victoria – #1 Idea

Group – what shld be included – Whitehorse

Group – what shld be included – Whitehorse – #1 Idea

Idea submission

Innovation Fair Poster Board

Innovation for the public good

In-person events

Internal email from Service for Business, ISED

Internal Summary

Inventions ouvertes/ Open Inventions

Joint submission for CJFE, CAJ et al.

Legal summaries limited to the top 1000 most common words

Make code available for reuse across GoC & release to the public

Make things open: it makes things better

Meaningful dialogue

Meeting with Council of Yukon First Nations

Most Debated Idea – ARMA

Most Debated Idea – Toronto

Most Debated Idea – Victoria

Most debated idea – Whitehorse

Multi-stakeholder forum

Next Steps for the Mandatory Reporting on Extractives

Notes from Google Hangout (core guests)

ODX- One Challenge You’ve Heard

ODX- Opportunity

ODX- Recommendations

Offer vital web services as free public infrastructure


One thing per bill

Open by default and modern, easy to use…

Open Canada – mp and mpp accountability and transparency of work

Open Contracting

Open contracts with private firms

Open data for innovation

Open Fiscal Framework

Open Government

Open Government means Federal….

Open information

Open Response

Open science

Other Comment – ARMA

Other Comment – Edmonton

Other Comment – Montreal

Other Comment – Toronto

Other Comment – Victoria

Other Comment – Whitehorse

Other Table Thoughts – ARMA

Other Table Thoughts – Edmonton

Other Table Thoughts – Montreal

Other Table Thoughts – Toronto

Other Table Thoughts – Victoria

Other Table Thoughts – Whitehorse

Part of detailed submission from Centre for Law and Democracy received via email May 19

Performance dashboard for government services

Piloting a context- focused engagement approach

Place selected draft government policy, regulations and legislation on GitHub for public consultation

Postal Code Database – Dataset Comment

Postal Codes

Prosecute politicians who break our laws

Public data as “infrastructure”


Question – Google Hangout

Question from Google hangout Question 1

Rights and Over-the-Air (OTA) television

Some overall and content suggestions

Submit a detailed proposal

Support adoption of International Aid….

Sustainable Development Goals


The Open Dialogue Initiative: Making the Government of Canada a World Leader in Open Dialogue

Toxic to thoughtful discourse

Unions & Aboriginal matters

Updating Freedom of Information legislation

Using the Data: Mandatory Payment…

Whistleblower protection – act on OGD commitment

Written explanation to requestors

Youth employment strategy open data initiative / Access to Information / smartphone app