Ocean Bottom Temperature Variations from CIOPS-E and GLORYS12 Models at St. Anns Bank

Ocean Bottom Temperature Variations from CIOPS-E and GLORYS12 Models at St. Anns Bank These are derived products of ocean bottom temperature at St. Anns Bank Marine Protected Area (MPA), utilizing outputs from two numerical models: 1) Pseudo-analysis from the Coastal Ice-Ocean Prediction System for the East Coast of Canada (CIOPS-E v2.0.0) at 1/36° horizontal grid developed and implemented operationally at Environment and Climate Change Canada, covering 2016-2023 through combining research and operational runs from this system (https://eccc-msc.github.io/open-data/msc-data/nwp_ciops/readme_ciops_en/); 2) The Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis (GLORYS12v1), a 1/12° data assimilative reanalysis product produced by the Mercator Ocean International and implemented by the CMEMS, spanning from 1993 to 2023 ( https://doi.org/10.48670/moi-00021). The daily bottom temperature data presented here are calculated as daily area averages. The ocean bottom temperature data from the model available here are validated against in-situ observations from the open data (https://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/910b8e22-2fd1-4ba1-8db6-d16763c7a625). These products may be used to gain knowledge of ocean bottom temperature changes in the MPA over the past 8 and 30 years. Cite this data as: Casey, M., Hu, X, Tao, J., and Shen, H. Ocean Bottom Temperature Variations from CIOPS-E and GLORYS12 Models at St. Anns Bank. Published: August 2024. Ecosystems and Oceans Science, Maritimes region, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Dartmouth NS. https://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/019f9138-6e3c-4f0e-997e-879e1ec2c42d 2024-11-27 Fisheries and Oceans Canada DataServicesDonnees@dfo-mpo.gc.ca Nature and EnvironmentSt. Anns Bank Marine Protected Area (MPA)Ocean TemperatureMarine Conservation TargetsOceans Ocean Bottom Temperature Variations from CIOPS-E and GLORYS12 Models at St. Anns BankCSV https://api-proxy.edh.azure.cloud.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/catalogue/records/019f9138-6e3c-4f0e-997e-879e1ec2c42d/attachments/GLORYS_StAnnsBank_daily_aveBottomT_updated.zip Data DictionaryCSV https://api-proxy.edh.azure.cloud.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/catalogue/records/019f9138-6e3c-4f0e-997e-879e1ec2c42d/attachments/GLORYSCIOPS_DataDictionary.csv Ocean Bottom Temperature Variations from CIOPS-E and GLORYS12 Models at St. Anns BankFGDB/GDB https://api-proxy.edh.azure.cloud.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/catalogue/records/019f9138-6e3c-4f0e-997e-879e1ec2c42d/attachments/SABMPA_Glorys.gdb.zip Visualization of mean bottom temperature within St. Anns Bank marine protected areaPDF https://api-proxy.edh.azure.cloud.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/catalogue/records/019f9138-6e3c-4f0e-997e-879e1ec2c42d/attachments/Visualization_of_mean_bottom_temperature_StAnnsBank_MPA_final.pdf Model Data quality descriptionPDF https://api-proxy.edh.azure.cloud.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/catalogue/records/019f9138-6e3c-4f0e-997e-879e1ec2c42d/attachments/Data_quality_description_final.pdf Ocean Bottom Temperature Variations from CIOPS-E and GLORYS12 Models at St. Anns BankESRI REST https://egisp.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/arcgis/rest/services/open_data_donnees_ouvertes/ocean_bottom_temperature_variations_st_anns_bank/MapServer Ocean Bottom Temperature Variations from CIOPS-E and GLORYS12 Models at St. Anns BankESRI REST https://egisp.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/arcgis/rest/services/open_data_donnees_ouvertes/ocean_bottom_temperature_variations_st_anns_bank/MapServer

These are derived products of ocean bottom temperature at St. Anns Bank Marine Protected Area (MPA), utilizing outputs from two numerical models: 1) Pseudo-analysis from the Coastal Ice-Ocean Prediction System for the East Coast of Canada (CIOPS-E v2.0.0) at 1/36° horizontal grid developed and implemented operationally at Environment and Climate Change Canada, covering 2016-2023 through combining research and operational runs from this system (https://eccc-msc.github.io/open-data/msc-data/nwp_ciops/readme_ciops_en/); 2) The Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis (GLORYS12v1), a 1/12° data assimilative reanalysis product produced by the Mercator Ocean International and implemented by the CMEMS, spanning from 1993 to 2023 ( https://doi.org/10.48670/moi-00021). The daily bottom temperature data presented here are calculated as daily area averages. The ocean bottom temperature data from the model available here are validated against in-situ observations from the open data (https://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/910b8e22-2fd1-4ba1-8db6-d16763c7a625). These products may be used to gain knowledge of ocean bottom temperature changes in the MPA over the past 8 and 30 years.

Cite this data as: Casey, M., Hu, X, Tao, J., and Shen, H. Ocean Bottom Temperature Variations from CIOPS-E and GLORYS12 Models at St. Anns Bank.

Published: August 2024. Ecosystems and Oceans Science, Maritimes region, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Dartmouth NS. https://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/019f9138-6e3c-4f0e-997e-879e1ec2c42d

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Contact Information

Delivery Point: Bedford Institute of Oceanography, 1 Challenger Drive, PO Box 1006

City: Dartmouth

Administrative Area: Nova Scotia

Postal Code: B2Y 4A2

Country: Canada

Electronic Mail Address: DataServicesDonnees@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

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