Species abundance in geological pockmark features in Passamaquoddy Bay, Bay of Fundy, Canada, from 2001 to 2004

Species abundance in geological pockmark features in Passamaquoddy Bay, Bay of Fundy, Canada, from 2001 to 2004 Between 2001 and 2004 a descriptive and comparative investigation of the benthic macro-infauna in 17 pockmarks and 10 reference locations outside pockmarks in Passamaquoddy Bay-Bay of Fundy- was made. This dataset contains the locations of the grab samples for each pockmark in the study area, the taxon abundance identified in each sample and the georeferenced video transect from 2004 using a towcam- an underwater, bottom referencing vehicle on which floodlights, analogue video- and digital still-camera were mounted. For more information of the data: Wildish DJ, Akagi HM, McKeown DL, Pohle GW (2008) Pockmarks influence benthic communities in Passamaquoddy Bay, Bay of Fundy, Canada. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 357:51-66. https://www.int-res.com/abstracts/meps/v357/p51-66/ 2025-02-17 Fisheries and Oceans Canada DFO.CESDDataRequest-DSECDemandededonnes.MPO@dfo-mpo.gc.ca Nature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyEcologyEnvironmentOceans Pockmarks Passamaquoddy Bay Grab Sample Positions 2001-2004CSV https://api-proxy.edh-cde.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/catalogue/records/50a39eca-b128-4663-bb0d-e2f4e7e88047/attachments/Pockmark_Passamaquoddy_Bay_Grab_Sample_Positions_2001_2004.csv Pockmarks Passamaquoddy Bay Species AbundanceCSV https://api-proxy.edh-cde.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/catalogue/records/50a39eca-b128-4663-bb0d-e2f4e7e88047/attachments/Pockmark_Passamaquoddy_Bay_Species_Abundance.csv Data dictionaryCSV https://api-proxy.edh-cde.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/catalogue/records/50a39eca-b128-4663-bb0d-e2f4e7e88047/attachments/Data_dictionary.csv Passamaquoddy Bay Pockmarks 2001-2004FGDB/GDB https://api-proxy.edh-cde.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/catalogue/records/50a39eca-b128-4663-bb0d-e2f4e7e88047/attachments/PassamaquoddyBay_Pockmarks_2001_2004.zip Passamaquoddy Bay Pockmarks 2001-2004ESRI REST https://egisp.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/arcgis/rest/services/open_data_donnees_ouvertes/passamaquoddy_bay_pockmarks_2001_2004/MapServer Passamaquoddy Bay Pockmarks 2001-2004ESRI REST https://egisp.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/arcgis/rest/services/open_data_donnees_ouvertes/passamaquoddy_bay_pockmarks_2001_2004/MapServer

Between 2001 and 2004 a descriptive and comparative investigation of the benthic macro-infauna in 17 pockmarks and 10 reference locations outside pockmarks in Passamaquoddy Bay-Bay of Fundy- was made. This dataset contains the locations of the grab samples for each pockmark in the study area, the taxon abundance identified in each sample and the georeferenced video transect from 2004 using a towcam- an underwater, bottom referencing vehicle on which floodlights, analogue video- and digital still-camera were mounted.

For more information of the data: Wildish DJ, Akagi HM, McKeown DL, Pohle GW (2008) Pockmarks influence benthic communities in Passamaquoddy Bay, Bay of Fundy, Canada. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 357:51-66. https://www.int-res.com/abstracts/meps/v357/p51-66/

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Delivery Point: 125 Marine Science Drive

City: St. Andrews

Administrative Area: New Brunswick

Postal Code: E5B 0E4

Country: Canada

Electronic Mail Address: DFO.CESDDataRequest-DSECDemandededonnes.MPO@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

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