NAFO 4T Atlantic Herring Landings

NAFO 4T Atlantic Herring Landings Atlantic herring NAFO 4T commercial landings data. Landings (in metric tons) per year, per stock (spring spawners and fall spawners), per fishing season (spring and fall) and per gear (fixed and mobile). Two fish samples are taken per week per herring fishing area to determine stock identification (spring or fall spawners). Daily landings data are obtained from DFO Statistics Branch. Stock (spring or fall spawner) data are gathered from port sampling. 2025-02-17 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Nature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyAnchovies/HerringsClupea harengus harengusFishFisheriesOceansGulf of St. Lawrence Data dictionaryCSV NAFO 4T Division Atlantic herring landings dataCSV NAFO Fishing Areas 4T and 4VnESRI REST NAFO Fishing Areas 4T and 4VnESRI REST

Atlantic herring NAFO 4T commercial landings data. Landings (in metric tons) per year, per stock (spring spawners and fall spawners), per fishing season (spring and fall) and per gear (fixed and mobile).

Two fish samples are taken per week per herring fishing area to determine stock identification (spring or fall spawners).

Daily landings data are obtained from DFO Statistics Branch. Stock (spring or fall spawner) data are gathered from port sampling.

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Delivery Point: 343 Université Ave

City: Moncton

Administrative Area: New Brunswick

Postal Code: E1C 5K4

Country: Canada

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