Atlantic Herring Abundance in Placentia Bay

Atlantic Herring Abundance in Placentia Bay This project was completed by the Pelagics Section in the Newfoundland and Labrador Science Branch of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). As part of the Coastal Environmental Baseline Program, a historical research gillnet program was reinitiated in Placentia Bay. Four local fishers each set fleets of standardized nets to catch herring for 6 weeks during the spring. The data collected was used to update a time series and provide advice at the herring stock assessment in October 2022.  This program was continued in the 22/23 fiscal year. Data collected from this program included gillnet catch rates, bycatch, temperature and biological (herring) samples; from which biological metrics such as length, weight, sex, maturity and age were measured. This record contains catch data for 2018 to 2021, as well as biological data from 2018. 2025-02-17 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyCoastal Environmental Baseline ProgramSpecies DistributionAnimal populationsCoastal watersFishMarine biology Data Dictionary - Placentia Bay Atlantic Herring RGN - Biological Data.csvCSV Data Dictionary - Placentia Bay Atlantic Herring RGN - Logbook Data.csvCSV Dictionnaire de données - Hareng de la baie Placentia RGN - données du journal de bord .csvCSV SHP_BIO.7zSHP SHP_LOGBOOK.7zSHP Web Map ServiceESRI REST Web Map ServiceESRI REST

This project was completed by the Pelagics Section in the Newfoundland and Labrador Science Branch of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). As part of the Coastal Environmental Baseline Program, a historical research gillnet program was reinitiated in Placentia Bay. Four local fishers each set fleets of standardized nets to catch herring for 6 weeks during the spring. The data collected was used to update a time series and provide advice at the herring stock assessment in October 2022.  This program was continued in the 22/23 fiscal year. Data collected from this program included gillnet catch rates, bycatch, temperature and biological (herring) samples; from which biological metrics such as length, weight, sex, maturity and age were measured. This record contains catch data for 2018 to 2021, as well as biological data from 2018.

Data and Resources

Contact Information

Delivery Point: 80 East White Hills Rd

City: St. John's

Administrative Area: Newfoundland and Labrador

Postal Code: A1C 5X1

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