This dataset includes five depth-attenuated relative wave exposure index layers in raster format. Relative Exposure Index (REI) values are calculated based on effective fetch (derived from fetch values) combined with modelled wind data. The output REI layers are attenuated by depth, resulting in greater values in shallow, nearshore areas (Bekkby et al. 2008). The cell values represent an estimate of wave exposure at bottom depth normalized between regions from 0 (protected) to 1 (exposed).
The objective of this dataset is to provide an estimate of wave exposure at bottom depth, primarily for use in species distribution modelling.
Each single-band raster corresponds to a marine region, which generally coincide with the following layers from the Species Distribution Modelling Boundaries ( dataset: Nearshore_HG, Nearshore_NCC, Nearshore_QCS, Nearshore_QCS, and Shelf_SalishSea. These layers extend to 50 m depth and up to 5 km from shore.
Tabular data (csv files) are also included as part of the data package. These data are the calculated Relative Exposure Index (REI) values with fields for position information. The fetch values from gridded nearshore fetch ( are used as a source dataset and the locations in the REI are the same as the gridded fetch.
- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada
Data and Resources
Depth-attenuated relative wave exposure indices for Pacific CanadaTIFFEnglish dataset TIFF
Data DictionaryPDFEnglish French guide PDF
Depth-attenuated relative wave exposure indices for Pacific CanadaESRI RESTEnglish web_service ESRI REST
Depth-attenuated relative wave exposure indices for Pacific CanadaESRI RESTFrench web_service ESRI REST
Depth-attenuated relative wave exposure indices - GISHub metadataPDFEnglish guide PDF
Depth-attenuated relative wave exposure indices - GISHub metadataPDFFrench guide PDF
Contact Information
Delivery Point: Institute of Ocean Sciences 9860 West Saanich Road P.O. Box 6000
City: Sidney
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Postal Code: V8L 5T5
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