Canada Base Map Transportation (CBMT)

Canada Base Map Transportation (CBMT) This web mapping service provides spatial reference context with an emphasis on transportation networks. It is designed especially for use as a background map in a web mapping application or geographic information system (GIS). The CBMT is available as a dynamic service(WMS) or a tiled service (ESRI REST and WMTS). 2022-06-10 Natural Resources Canada TransportCanadaEarth SciencesTransportTransportation networksRailway networksRail transportLocation mapGeomatics CBMT - Canada Base Map - Transportation (tiled version) (EPSG:3978) (English)WMTS CBMT - Canada Base Map - Transportation (tiled version) (EPSG:3978) (French)WMTS CBMT - Canada Base Map - Transportation (tiled version) (EPSG:3978) (English)ESRI REST CBMT - Canada Base Map - Transportation (tiled version) (EPSG:3978) (French)ESRI REST Canada Base Map Transportation (Group layer)WMS Canada Base Map Transportation (Group layer)WMS

This web mapping service provides spatial reference context with an emphasis on transportation networks. It is designed especially for use as a background map in a web mapping application or geographic information system (GIS).

The CBMT is available as a dynamic service(WMS) or a tiled service (ESRI REST and WMTS).

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