Canadian Ozonesonde Network

Canadian Ozonesonde Network The Canadian Ozonesonde Network measures vertical profiles of ozone from ground level up to 36 km altitude across Canada. The objectives of the network are to provide long-term stratospheric and tropospheric ozone data for periodic assessment of the state of the ozone layer, to validate satellite ozone data and air-quality model output, and to provide data for chemical data assimilation and for studying current and emerging issues such as climate change. 2022-02-23 Environment and Climate Change Canada Nature and EnvironmentAirAir QualityAtmospheric MonitoringNAtChemNetworks and StudiesCanadian Ozonesonde Networkozonesondevertical profiles of ozoneWorld Ozone and UV Data CentreWOUDC Ozone and UV Monitoring (French)HTML Ozone and UV Monitoring (English)HTML World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data CentreHTML View ECCC Data Mart (English)HTML View ECCC Data Mart (French)HTML

The Canadian Ozonesonde Network measures vertical profiles of ozone from ground level up to 36 km altitude across Canada. The objectives of the network are to provide long-term stratospheric and tropospheric ozone data for periodic assessment of the state of the ozone layer, to validate satellite ozone data and air-quality model output, and to provide data for chemical data assimilation and for studying current and emerging issues such as climate change.

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