Median Income of Individuals (1995$)

Median Income of Individuals (1995$) This map shows median income of individuals, for the population 15 years of age and over reporting income in 1995 (not including institutional residents). The highest median incomes were observed in the urban areas of Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Ottawa-Hull, Montreal, and Quebec. According to the 1996 Census, close to 21 million individuals reported income for 1995. The total income from all sources reflected a 6% decrease when compared to 1990. The national median income for Canada was $18 891. Incomes of individuals and families living in rural Canada tended to be lower than for urban areas. Differences in income distributions were also significant within major urban areas. Nearly 80% of the total population lived in census metropolitan areas. 2022-03-14 Natural Resources Canada Economics and Industryeconomymappersonal income Download the English JP2 File through HTTPJP2 Download the English ZIP (PDF,JPG) file through HTTPZIP Download the French JP2 File through HTTPother Download the French ZIP (PDF, JPG) File through HTTPZIP

This map shows median income of individuals, for the population 15 years of age and over reporting income in 1995 (not including institutional residents). The highest median incomes were observed in the urban areas of Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Ottawa-Hull, Montreal, and Quebec. According to the 1996 Census, close to 21 million individuals reported income for 1995. The total income from all sources reflected a 6% decrease when compared to 1990. The national median income for Canada was $18 891. Incomes of individuals and families living in rural Canada tended to be lower than for urban areas. Differences in income distributions were also significant within major urban areas. Nearly 80% of the total population lived in census metropolitan areas.

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