Open Science: Commitment 6


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Lead implementing department(s)
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Innovation, Science, and Economic Development
Open Information
Reporting period

End-of-term (July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2016)


On Schedule

Maximize access to federally funded scientific research to encourage greater collaboration and engagement with the scientific community, the private sector, and the public.

Deliverables Status / Final Results Lessons Learned Completion Level

Develop and publish a government-wide Open Science Implementation Plan with specific activities and milestones

An implementation plan was developed in consultation with science-based departments and granting agencies and approved by Deputy Minister Science and Technology Committee.

It was challenging but ultimately successful to work across many government departments with various levels of open science readiness. Developing an implementation plan while also seeking to fulfil the commitment itself added complexity and delays.


Establish a one-stop search for publications and data resulting from federal scientific activities.

Use of existing open data system on, including integrated search.

The timelines made it challenging to identify and implement new requirements to advance open science while continuing to deliver pre-existing capabilities.


Develop inventories of federal scientific data and initiate the public release of data.

Four guidance documents have been developed: Release of data associated with publications; Conducting a data inventory; Metadata for scientific data; and Data Stewardship and Data Management Plans

Alignment with existing government direction (Open Government Directive) helped to support and incentivize science-specific data work.


Rolled over in 2016-18 Plan

Publish and maintain a consolidated online list of peer-reviewed articles by Government of Canada scientists dating back to 2012.

Departmental lists of articles are being released as open data through

Wide diversity of information between departments made it a challenge to gather the lists.


Rolled over in 2016-18 Plan


Supports the principles of increased transparency and accountability, and is targeted at helping address the OGP Grand Challenges of improving public services and effectively managing public resources by increasing access to the results of scientific research undertaken by federal scientists and supported by federal science-based departments and agencies.


Establishes a government-wide approach to increasing access to federally funded scientific publications and data to spur innovation and improve international collaboration and coordination of research.

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