Stimulate innovation through Canada's Open Data Exchange (ODX) - Commitment 15


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Lead implementing department(s)
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Open Data Exchange
Reporting period

Mid-term (July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017)

Other actors involved: Communitech, Canadian Digital Media Network, OpenText, D2L, University of Waterloo

Commitment description

What is the public problem that the commitment will address?

As governments at all levels continue to make more and more open data available to the public, it will be important to help support the private sector in extracting knowledge and value from that data to build their businesses. In order to develop new products, retain talent, and achieve prosperity, competitiveness, and productivity for Canada, the Open Data Exchange (ODX) was established in 2015 as a partnership among the private, public, and academic sectors to support the commercialization of open data by Canadian companies.

What is the commitment?

The Government of Canada will partner with the private sector to better understand how companies are using open data, and raise awareness of the possibilities that exist for Canadian entrepreneurs to take advantage of the value of open data.

How will the commitment contribute to solve the public problem?

The Open Data Exchange is taking advantage of key opportunities to work collaboratively with stakeholders at all levels to increase the number of open data companies in Canada and to explore new methods for improving access and extracting value from open data.

Relevance to OGP values

This commitment relates to the OGP values of transparency and civic participation.

Status update

Deliverables in Action Plan

  1. Complete a comprehensive mapping of 150 Canadian companies that are using open data to launch new products and services, create commercial and non-profit ventures, optimize their business processes, conduct research, and/or make data-driven decisions.
  2. Launch an online platform at to showcase Canada’s Open Data 150.
  3. Establish a national network of open data users within industry to collaborate on the development of standards and practices in support of data commercialization.
  4. Collaborate with private industry on three demonstration projects to illustrate the commercialization potential of open data in priority sectors.
  5. Incubate 15 new data-driven companies by June 2018.

Expected result

More Canadians will be using open data to launch new products and companies.

Description of results

  1. As of June 30 2017, 150 out of 150 companies identified for Open Data 150.
  2. Online platform launched.
  3. Continued to source companies through the Open Data 150.

    Conducted a cross-Canada tour interviewing data users and data providers. Reports from the tour include: Western Canada, Central Canada, Atlantic Canada.

    Engagement through programs and services as outlined below under the “Incubate” deliverable.

  4. Three of three demonstration projects started on schedule. Scoping out a possible fourth project.
  5. 64 companies mentored through ODX Mentorship & Concierge services
    8 companies at the Communitech Data Hub are users of open data;
    3 companies engaged with demonstration projects;
    8 companies engaged through ODX Ventures; and
    5 companies engaged through ODX Connect.

Next steps to June 2018

  1. Continue to promote the OD150 and seek out companies that use open data.

    Use the OD150 to source companies for the ODX Civic Challenge Series.

  2. N/A
  3. Continue to source companies and catalogue in the OD150.

    Complete analysis of cross-Canada tour results.

  4. Complete all demonstration projects. If time and resources allow, start and complete fourth demonstration project.
  5. Continue to engage companies at all stages through the mechanisms outlined above.

Completion level

  1. Completed
  2. Completed
  3. Substantial
  4. Substantial
  5. Substantial

Additional information

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