
Farms Contained within the 3rd Edition (1957) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows six condensed maps illustrating the occurrence of important characteristics of farms. The two maps at the top show the distribution of part-time farms and occupied farms. Each of these two maps is accompanied by a pie chart showing percentage distribution of both classifications of farm operations for Canada by province. A third map shows the percentage of occupied farm lands that are occupied by owners. This map is accompanied by a chart showing the percentage of farmland, nationally and provincially, that is operated by an owner or manager. The fourth map shows the percentage of occupied farms reporting the availability of electricity and is accompanied by a chart showing percentages for Canada and each province. The fifth map shows the percentage of occupied farms reporting the usage of tractors. This map is also accompanied by a chart which shows the percentage of farms reporting tractors for Canada and each province. The sixth map, on the bottom right portion of this plate, shows the value of farm products sold per farm. These maps are based on data which was available as of the 1958 publication date of this atlas map. 2022-03-14 Natural Resources Canada Agricultureagri-food industryagricultureagriculture statisticsfarms Download the English JPG through HTTPJPG Download the English PDF through HTTPPDF Download the French JPG through HTTPJPG Download the French PDF through HTTPPDF

Contained within the 3rd Edition (1957) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows six condensed maps illustrating the occurrence of important characteristics of farms. The two maps at the top show the distribution of part-time farms and occupied farms. Each of these two maps is accompanied by a pie chart showing percentage distribution of both classifications of farm operations for Canada by province. A third map shows the percentage of occupied farm lands that are occupied by owners. This map is accompanied by a chart showing the percentage of farmland, nationally and provincially, that is operated by an owner or manager. The fourth map shows the percentage of occupied farms reporting the availability of electricity and is accompanied by a chart showing percentages for Canada and each province. The fifth map shows the percentage of occupied farms reporting the usage of tractors. This map is also accompanied by a chart which shows the percentage of farms reporting tractors for Canada and each province. The sixth map, on the bottom right portion of this plate, shows the value of farm products sold per farm. These maps are based on data which was available as of the 1958 publication date of this atlas map.

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