Occupational health and safety field visits, workplaces visited, and orders issued

Occupational health and safety field visits, workplaces visited, and orders issued A field visit occurs when a ministry inspector visits a workplace to assess compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and regulations. A workplace is considered any land, premises, physical location or thing at, upon, in or near which a worker work.  An inspector may visit the same workplace multiple times. During the field visit, the inspector can issue orders to different companies ("contraveners") at a workplace to achieve compliance with OHSA and regulations. Inspectors can also issue legal direction to workplace parties notifying them of their obligation to co-operate and to provide requested information. This dataset includes the: * date of the field visit * type of visit (for example, initial or follow-up) * case type (inspection or investigation) * case status * workplace visited, including workplace ID, name, location and NAICS code * contravener's name and role, where applicable * orders issued under OHSA and regulations, where applicable *[OHSA]: Occupational Health and Safety Act *[NAICS]: North American Industry Classification System 2024-05-15 Government of Ontario Government and PoliticsEducation and TrainingJobs and employment Dataset terms of use, notes and caveatsPDF https://files.ontario.ca/mol-ohs-dataset-terms-of-use-notes-caveats-en-2019-08-14.pdf 2012XLSX https://files.ontario.ca/opendata/2012.xlsx 2013XLSX https://files.ontario.ca/opendata/2013.xlsx 2014XLSX https://files.ontario.ca/opendata/2014.xlsx 2015XLSX https://files.ontario.ca/opendata/2015.xlsx 2016XLSX https://files.ontario.ca/opendata/2016.xlsx 2017XLSX https://files.ontario.ca/opendata/2017.xlsx 2018XLSX https://files.ontario.ca/opendata/2018.xlsx 2012CSV https://files.ontario.ca/opendata/2012.csv 2013CSV https://files.ontario.ca/opendata/2013.csv 2014CSV https://files.ontario.ca/opendata/2014.csv 2015CSV https://files.ontario.ca/opendata/2015.csv 2016CSV https://files.ontario.ca/opendata/2016.csv 2017CSV https://files.ontario.ca/opendata/2017.csv 2018CSV https://files.ontario.ca/opendata/2018.csv Conditions d’utilisation, les notes et les mises en garde liées à cet ensemble de données.PDF https://files.ontario.ca/mol-ohs-dataset-terms-of-use-notes-caveats-fr-2019-08-14.pdf 2019CSV https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/01742c1e-4d99-485c-a2a4-c51163da542f/resource/0a0bcbf9-b2b7-4374-8505-c055690092eb/download/ohs-fv-wp-ord_dataset_cy_2019.csv 2019XLSX https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/01742c1e-4d99-485c-a2a4-c51163da542f/resource/358c4bee-df92-4fab-8585-ca3c99babe67/download/ohs-fv-wp-ord_dataset_cy_2019.xlsx 2020XLSX https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/01742c1e-4d99-485c-a2a4-c51163da542f/resource/60ee150e-ff4b-4ba0-8b29-325cb0114f2e/download/ohs_field_visits_workplaces_visited_and_orders_issued_cy_2020.xlsx 2020CSV https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/01742c1e-4d99-485c-a2a4-c51163da542f/resource/dbf6a52f-ef3f-4a8f-9573-ee3abba813cf/download/ohs_field_visits_workplaces_visited_and_orders_issued_cy_2020.csv 2021CSV https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/01742c1e-4d99-485c-a2a4-c51163da542f/resource/fefbbb14-d3ae-4056-992b-94000d471e25/download/ohs_fv_wp_visited_cy_2021.csv 2021XLSX https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/01742c1e-4d99-485c-a2a4-c51163da542f/resource/6ec3a089-2b58-4394-be00-e5dc717b40d1/download/ohs_fv_wp_visited_cy_2021.xlsx 2022CSV https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/01742c1e-4d99-485c-a2a4-c51163da542f/resource/ad48d428-a617-4e57-85e3-060dc12f8e5f/download/ohs_fv_wp_visited_cy_2022.csv 2022XLSX https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/01742c1e-4d99-485c-a2a4-c51163da542f/resource/e4c5839a-afaa-4ffb-a89a-7c25932b928e/download/ohs_fv_wp_visited_cy_2022.xlsx Original metadata (https://data.ontario.ca)HTML https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/01742c1e-4d99-485c-a2a4-c51163da542f Original metadata (https://data.ontario.ca/fr)HTML https://data.ontario.ca/fr/dataset/01742c1e-4d99-485c-a2a4-c51163da542f

A field visit occurs when a ministry inspector visits a workplace to assess compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and regulations. A workplace is considered any land, premises, physical location or thing at, upon, in or near which a worker work.  An inspector may visit the same workplace multiple times. During the field visit, the inspector can issue orders to different companies ("contraveners") at a workplace to achieve compliance with OHSA and regulations. Inspectors can also issue legal direction to workplace parties notifying them of their obligation to co-operate and to provide requested information. This dataset includes the: * date of the field visit * type of visit (for example, initial or follow-up) * case type (inspection or investigation) * case status * workplace visited, including workplace ID, name, location and NAICS code * contravener's name and role, where applicable * orders issued under OHSA and regulations, where applicable [OHSA]: Occupational Health and Safety Act [NAICS]: North American Industry Classification System

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