Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) Yukon roadside night surveys 2014-2015

Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) Yukon roadside night surveys 2014-2015 We conducted a species-specific survey for Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) near the northwestern limit of the species’ breeding distribution, in order to investigate relative abundance and also to determine whether a species-specific survey protocol being established for Canada would be appropriate in the north. Activity of Common Nighthawk was documented using 10-stop to 20-stop roadside surveys conducted during the night in northern British Columbia and southern and central Yukon in 2014-15, mostly along established North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) routes. We used a total of 19 roadside survey routes, including 14 standardized routes which used the first 20 odd-numbered stops of established BBS routes and were conducted in both 2014 and 2015. The other five routes included one BBS-based route which was completed only partially in 2014 but completely in 2015; one BBS-based route where non-standard stops were surveyed, run only in 2014; and three routes with 10-20 stops which were selected non-randomly and run in both years. Two of the standard routes were also run a second time in the 2014 season. Overall, 738 point counts were conducted on 19 routes over two years. Each survey started one hour before sunset; survey stops were 1.6 km apart, and the count at each stop was 6 minutes long. 2024-03-15 Environment and Climate Change Canada Nature and EnvironmentBirdsBoreal ecosystemsNorthern CanadaCommon Nighthawkspecies at riskthreatenedborealsurvey protocolmonitoringbirdnorthernNorthern Region View ECCC Data Mart (English)HTML View ECCC Data Mart (French)HTML

We conducted a species-specific survey for Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) near the northwestern limit of the species’ breeding distribution, in order to investigate relative abundance and also to determine whether a species-specific survey protocol being established for Canada would be appropriate in the north. Activity of Common Nighthawk was documented using 10-stop to 20-stop roadside surveys conducted during the night in northern British Columbia and southern and central Yukon in 2014-15, mostly along established North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) routes. We used a total of 19 roadside survey routes, including 14 standardized routes which used the first 20 odd-numbered stops of established BBS routes and were conducted in both 2014 and 2015. The other five routes included one BBS-based route which was completed only partially in 2014 but completely in 2015; one BBS-based route where non-standard stops were surveyed, run only in 2014; and three routes with 10-20 stops which were selected non-randomly and run in both years. Two of the standard routes were also run a second time in the 2014 season. Overall, 738 point counts were conducted on 19 routes over two years. Each survey started one hour before sunset; survey stops were 1.6 km apart, and the count at each stop was 6 minutes long.

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