LiDAR dendrometric map

LiDAR dendrometric map __The link: *Access the data directory* is available in the section*Dataset Description Sheets; Additional Information*__. The LiDAR dendrometric map presents various dendrometric characteristics that are useful in particular in forest planning. It is a product in vector format that is complementary to the results of forest compilations found in the [Original Ecoforest Map and Inventory Results] ( and in the [Results of forest compilations by forel] ( The geometric entities defined from the LiDAR data are at a finer scale than those in the ecoforest map. The main variables predicted and accessible in the product are as follows: • Usable volume per hectare by species, species group and certain diameter groups • Volume per hectare distributed by product for certain species groups • Basal area and number of stems per hectare for certain species groups for certain species groups • Average usable volume per stem and average diameter for certain species groups • Average usable volume per stem and average diameter for certain species groups The volumes compiled in the LiDAR dendrometric map are variables distinct from the gross volume market on Predicted foot in others results of forest compilations, in the [Cubage Tariff] ( and for the stems counted in the sample plots of the ecoforestry inventory of southern Quebec, for example in the [Temporary sample plots of the fifth inventory] ( This distinct volume is here qualified as “usable” and it excludes woody material between 9.1 cm in diameter without bark and 9.1 cm with bark. The published literature clarifies the differences between volume variables. This product is available for territories (planning unit, private forest development agency or residual forest territory) with a LiDAR acquisition and affecting the bioclimatic domains of fir to yellow birch, fir to white birch and spruce moss. Product coverage is not complete and will evolve over the years based on the LiDAR acquisition. __Note:__ It is possible to use the [LiDAR dendrometric data preparation tool] ( to study one or more sectors at a finer scale than that of the ecoforest map. The [LiDAR dendrometric tool user guide] ( presents the methodology for its application to meet the needs of operational forest harvest planning.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).** 2024-04-04 Government and Municipalities of Québec Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and Technology Download linksCSV Open forestHTML¢er=-72.07715,48.764&invisiblelayers=*&visiblelayers=858c97f61957e503ec13e9873983f189,1da64ddfeaf23710b8a9ad95133fb5d8 Original metadata ( Procedures for using a web servicePDF Availability of the LiDAR dendrometric mapPDF READ MEPDF LiDAR dendrometic map: method and use - 2nd editionPDF Dendrometric results at the MFFP - Compilation methods and recommended usesPDF Dendrometric results at the MFFP - Comparative analysis of DIF productsPDF LiDAR dendrometric tool user guidePDF Data downloadPDF Download linksSHP LiDAR dendrometric data preparation toolZIP Web mapping serviceother Video capsule on the LiDAR dendrometric mapother

The link: Access the data directory is available in the sectionDataset Description Sheets; Additional Information. The LiDAR dendrometric map presents various dendrometric characteristics that are useful in particular in forest planning. It is a product in vector format that is complementary to the results of forest compilations found in the [Original Ecoforest Map and Inventory Results] ( and in the [Results of forest compilations by forel] ( The geometric entities defined from the LiDAR data are at a finer scale than those in the ecoforest map. The main variables predicted and accessible in the product are as follows: • Usable volume per hectare by species, species group and certain diameter groups • Volume per hectare distributed by product for certain species groups • Basal area and number of stems per hectare for certain species groups for certain species groups • Average usable volume per stem and average diameter for certain species groups • Average usable volume per stem and average diameter for certain species groups The volumes compiled in the LiDAR dendrometric map are variables distinct from the gross volume market on Predicted foot in others results of forest compilations, in the [Cubage Tariff] ( and for the stems counted in the sample plots of the ecoforestry inventory of southern Quebec, for example in the [Temporary sample plots of the fifth inventory] ( This distinct volume is here qualified as “usable” and it excludes woody material between 9.1 cm in diameter without bark and 9.1 cm with bark. The published literature clarifies the differences between volume variables. This product is available for territories (planning unit, private forest development agency or residual forest territory) with a LiDAR acquisition and affecting the bioclimatic domains of fir to yellow birch, fir to white birch and spruce moss. Product coverage is not complete and will evolve over the years based on the LiDAR acquisition. Note: It is possible to use the [LiDAR dendrometric data preparation tool] ( to study one or more sectors at a finer scale than that of the ecoforest map. The [LiDAR dendrometric tool user guide] ( presents the methodology for its application to meet the needs of operational forest harvest planning.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).

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