Placer Mining and Exploration Compilation (106D)

Placer Mining and Exploration Compilation (106D) A placer mining and exploration compilation of NTS map sheet 106 D, central Yukon Territory, Canada. This compilation includes the location, history and previous work, description of bedrock geology, surficial geology and mineralization, as well as lists of related references. Accompanying this report is one 1:250 000-scale map (NTS 106 D) which displays the locations of the placer occurrences discussed in the report. 2024-02-16 Government of Yukon Science and TechnologyYukon Geological SurveyYukon Data Reportother Original metadata (

A placer mining and exploration compilation of NTS map sheet 106 D, central Yukon Territory, Canada. This compilation includes the location, history and previous work, description of bedrock geology, surficial geology and mineralization, as well as lists of related references. Accompanying this report is one 1:250 000-scale map (NTS 106 D) which displays the locations of the placer occurrences discussed in the report.

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