Manitoba Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Data

Manitoba Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Data This web experience contains four dashboards with graphs showing inspections, the most common food safety violations, and the levels of escalating enforcement applied by health officers to enforce them. This web experience displays four dashboards created by the Food Safety and Inspection Branch - Manitoba Agriculture showing graphs with data on food safety. The dashboards included are:1.  Inspections: This dashboard contains charts displaying the inspection data collected by Manitoba Agriculture during the last five years.  Violations per Inspection - Overview ( 2. Food Safety Violations: This dashboard displays the number of violations identified in the years indicated. The number of violations identified are then further classified into critical and non-critical violations. Critical violations are violations that pose an immediate risk to food safety and must be corrected within a determined period of time. Non-critical violations do not pose an immediate risk to food safety but must be corrected before becoming a risk to food safety.   Violations per Inspection - Overview ( 3. Top Five Food Safety Violations: This dashboard contains charts and tables displaying the five most common food safety violations identified during inspections. Each type of violation is referenced to the Manitoba Food and Food Handling Establishment Regulations. The five most common violations are represented as a percentage of all identified food safety violations.   Top Violations 4. Escalating Enforcement: This dashboard displays the frequency of which health officers applied escalating levels of enforcement to food processors who did not correct food safety violations in the prescribed amount of time indicated in the inspection. The dashboard explains that food processors are given a period of time to correct food safety violations, based on the associated risk to food safety. Escalating enforcement is only applied if the violation is not corrected in the prescribed period of time.Escalating Enforcement 2024-06-05 Government of Manitoba AgricultureTop ViolationsRegulationsViolationsManitobaManitoba GovernmentProvince of ManitobaCanadaPublicGovernmentEscalating EnforcementFood SafetyEnforcementAgricultureOpen Data original metadata ( ArcGIS GeoServiceHTML

This web experience contains four dashboards with graphs showing inspections, the most common food safety violations, and the levels of escalating enforcement applied by health officers to enforce them.

This web experience displays four dashboards created by the Food Safety and Inspection Branch - Manitoba Agriculture showing graphs with data on food safety. The dashboards included are:1.  Inspections: This dashboard contains charts displaying the inspection data collected by Manitoba Agriculture during the last five years.  Violations per Inspection - Overview ( 2. Food Safety Violations: This dashboard displays the number of violations identified in the years indicated. The number of violations identified are then further classified into critical and non-critical violations. Critical violations are violations that pose an immediate risk to food safety and must be corrected within a determined period of time. Non-critical violations do not pose an immediate risk to food safety but must be corrected before becoming a risk to food safety.   Violations per Inspection - Overview ( 3. Top Five Food Safety Violations: This dashboard contains charts and tables displaying the five most common food safety violations identified during inspections. Each type of violation is referenced to the Manitoba Food and Food Handling Establishment Regulations. The five most common violations are represented as a percentage of all identified food safety violations.   Top Violations 4. Escalating Enforcement: This dashboard displays the frequency of which health officers applied escalating levels of enforcement to food processors who did not correct food safety violations in the prescribed amount of time indicated in the inspection. The dashboard explains that food processors are given a period of time to correct food safety violations, based on the associated risk to food safety. Escalating enforcement is only applied if the violation is not corrected in the prescribed period of time.Escalating Enforcement

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