Yukon Minerals Industry Bibliography

Yukon Minerals Industry Bibliography This first edition of the Yukon Minerals Industry Bibliography consists of 2,741 bibliographic references of published and unpublished data relevant to the Minerals Industry of the Yukon. These references are the basis of a comprehensive bibliographic database that will be added to and updated as required. The references were compiled digitally, by computer modem, or at their source, and manually at their source. The references have been entered into Pro-Cite, version 1.4 software. 2024-02-16 Government of Yukon geology@gov.yk.ca Science and TechnologyYukon Geological SurveyYukon Data Reportother https://data.geology.gov.yk.ca/reference/42317 Original metadata (https://open.yukon.ca)HTML https://open.yukon.ca/data/datasets/yukon-minerals-industry-bibliography

This first edition of the Yukon Minerals Industry Bibliography consists of 2,741 bibliographic references of published and unpublished data relevant to the Minerals Industry of the Yukon. These references are the basis of a comprehensive bibliographic database that will be added to and updated as required. The references were compiled digitally, by computer modem, or at their source, and manually at their source. The references have been entered into Pro-Cite, version 1.4 software.

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Electronic Mail Address: geology@gov.yk.ca

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