Regional agency for the development of private forests

Regional agency for the development of private forests The regional agency for the development of private forests is a non-profit legal entity. Its constitution and organization are described in sections 132 to 168 of the Sustainable Forest Development Act (RLRQ c. A-18.1). The agency's territory is a grouping of MRCs redivided according to the territory in which private land is used only. With a view to sustainable development, the purpose of the agency is to guide and develop the development of private forests in its territory, in particular by: + the development of a protection and development plan (PPMV); + financial and technical support for the protection or development. To this end, the agency manages the assistance program for the development of private forests for which only owners of private woodlots recognized as forest producers can benefit. A forest producer must call on a forest advisor to obtain the financial assistance granted and to receive the professional and technical services necessary to carry out the eligible work. The forest advisor must be accredited by the regional agency for the development of private forests. This data comes from the MRNF STF system, which is the __official source__ of this geographic information.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).** 2024-04-04 Government and Municipalities of Québec Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and Technology List of private forest development agenciesCSV Regional agency for the development of private forestsFGDB/GDB Regional agency for the development of private forestsGPKG Open forestHTML¢er=-74.05469,47.69186&invisiblelayers=*&visiblelayers=9ec4d7fde14b177255ccc8d4e0766565,0b35b3f5f1f0f5a904589dfe520cce32,cd47428c79d2020773955d3f2f50c2ad,1da64ddfeaf23710b8a9ad95133fb5d8 Original metadata ( Map of regional agencies for the development of private forestsPDF Procedures for adding a web servicePDF Regional agency for the development of private forestsSHP Territorial forest subdivisions (STF)other

The regional agency for the development of private forests is a non-profit legal entity. Its constitution and organization are described in sections 132 to 168 of the Sustainable Forest Development Act (RLRQ c. A-18.1). The agency's territory is a grouping of MRCs redivided according to the territory in which private land is used only. With a view to sustainable development, the purpose of the agency is to guide and develop the development of private forests in its territory, in particular by: + the development of a protection and development plan (PPMV); + financial and technical support for the protection or development. To this end, the agency manages the assistance program for the development of private forests for which only owners of private woodlots recognized as forest producers can benefit. A forest producer must call on a forest advisor to obtain the financial assistance granted and to receive the professional and technical services necessary to carry out the eligible work. The forest advisor must be accredited by the regional agency for the development of private forests. This data comes from the MRNF STF system, which is the official source of this geographic information.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).

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