Mineral Assessment of the Proposed Frances Lake Special Management Area, Yukon

Mineral Assessment of the Proposed Frances Lake Special Management Area, Yukon Yukon Government, Liard First Nations, and Ross River Dena Council agreed to create a Special Management Area designated as Natural Environment Park over Frances Lake. The Frances Lake SMA covers an area of significant Pb-Zn-Cu mineralization and multi-element geochemical anomalies, abuts to Cominco's advanced Fin prospect, and encloses quartz claims over the Matt Berry deposit. Field work conducted in the summers of 2000 and 2001 showed that: mineralization in the Matt Berry deposit is related to a previously unreported volcanic belt that extends over 30 km to the northwest; Matt Berry deposit has characteristics of VMS-style deposits, such as those in the Finlayson Lake Belt; the style of deformation interpreted for the Matt Berry suggests repetition of the mineralized unit at depth; Maxi prospect is a significant exploration target. A detailed mineral assessment of the area bounded by Robert Campbell Highway and Nahanni Range Road shows the highest mineral potential along a belt in the western part of the area, which coincides with the core of the proposed SMA. An examination of the detailed mineral potential map resulted in the following recommendations: the proposed protected area be shifted to the northeast, where there are large tracts of land with lower mineral potential, and equally easy road access; YTG Mineral Resources Branch should carry further field work to map intrusive phases in the northern-most portion of Billings Batholith, and to establish the source of a pronounced geochemical anomaly south of Simpson Tower. 2024-02-16 Government of Yukon geology@gov.yk.ca Science and TechnologyYukon Geological SurveyYukon Data Reportother https://data.geology.gov.yk.ca/reference/42404 Original metadata (https://open.yukon.ca)HTML https://open.yukon.ca/data/datasets/mineral-assessment-proposed-frances-lake-special-management-area-yukon

Yukon Government, Liard First Nations, and Ross River Dena Council agreed to create a Special Management Area designated as Natural Environment Park over Frances Lake. The Frances Lake SMA covers an area of significant Pb-Zn-Cu mineralization and multi-element geochemical anomalies, abuts to Cominco's advanced Fin prospect, and encloses quartz claims over the Matt Berry deposit. Field work conducted in the summers of 2000 and 2001 showed that: mineralization in the Matt Berry deposit is related to a previously unreported volcanic belt that extends over 30 km to the northwest; Matt Berry deposit has characteristics of VMS-style deposits, such as those in the Finlayson Lake Belt; the style of deformation interpreted for the Matt Berry suggests repetition of the mineralized unit at depth; Maxi prospect is a significant exploration target. A detailed mineral assessment of the area bounded by Robert Campbell Highway and Nahanni Range Road shows the highest mineral potential along a belt in the western part of the area, which coincides with the core of the proposed SMA. An examination of the detailed mineral potential map resulted in the following recommendations: the proposed protected area be shifted to the northeast, where there are large tracts of land with lower mineral potential, and equally easy road access; YTG Mineral Resources Branch should carry further field work to map intrusive phases in the northern-most portion of Billings Batholith, and to establish the source of a pronounced geochemical anomaly south of Simpson Tower.

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