Assisted Living Residences

Assisted Living Residences This dataset provides information which is currently displayed on the Assisted Living Programs Map. The intent of the [Assisted Living Programs Map]( is to provide an online resource to assist families searching for all types of assisted living services, including seniors, mental health and supportive recovery. Information is listed by service type, registrant, name of residence, address, city and maximum capacity. This dataset includes both publicly subsidized and private paid residences. New registered assisted living residences are added as they become operational. The dataset is updated biweekly. 2024-05-02 Government of British Columbia Health and Safetyassistedassisted livingmental healthseniorssupportive recoveryGovernment information GSR_Assisted_Living_RegistryCSV Original metadata (

This dataset provides information which is currently displayed on the Assisted Living Programs Map. The intent of the Assisted Living Programs Map is to provide an online resource to assist families searching for all types of assisted living services, including seniors, mental health and supportive recovery. Information is listed by service type, registrant, name of residence, address, city and maximum capacity. This dataset includes both publicly subsidized and private paid residences. New registered assisted living residences are added as they become operational. The dataset is updated biweekly.

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