Data on Inmates in Ontario

Data on Inmates in Ontario The Ministry of the Solicitor General annually releases data on the segregation, restrictive confinement, and deaths in custody of inmates in Ontario’s adult correctional system. Data Source: Offender Tracking Information System (OTIS) Segregation is defined in Ontario Regulation 778 as any type of custody where an inmate is in highly restricted conditions for 22 to 24 hours or does not receive a minimum of two hours of meaningful social interaction each day, excluding circumstances of an unscheduled lockdown. A record is created each time an inmate meets the conditions of segregation and closed when the inmate no longer meets those conditions. A break in a segregation placement is defined as occurring when an individual is out of segregation conditions for 24 or more continuous hours. The Ministry of the Solicitor General defines restrictive confinement as any type of confinement that is more restrictive than the general population but less restrictive than segregation. As a result, the ministry is reporting on any case within the fiscal year reporting period where an individual was held in a unit regularly scheduled to be locked down for 17 hours or more per day. This timeframe is considered more restrictive than that of the general population based on an assessment of provincewide lockdown times. Regularly scheduled lockdowns are daily routine times where movement out of a cell is restricted, such as during meal times and overnight. The Ministry of the Solicitor General is committed to providing greater transparency by releasing data on all custodial-related deaths that occurred within the calendar year reporting period. The datasets in this category include information on gender, race, age, religion or spiritual affiliation, and alerts for mental health concerns and suicide risk. To simplify the provision of data, several data tables include information on both individuals in segregation conditions and individuals in restrictive confinement. Due to the differences in the way that the data on segregation conditions and restrictive confinement have been collected, and the differences in the definitions of these concepts, these numbers should not be compared to each other. Some individuals may have both placements in restrictive confinement and segregation conditions, within the reporting period. Therefore, these numbers should not be added together when calculating proportions out of the total. Please refer to for additional information on the data release, including written overviews of the data and disclosure on data collection methods. 2024-07-24 Government of Ontario Government and PoliticsJahnJahn settlementSchedule B 15segregationrestrictive confinementinmate deathsdeaths in custodyinmatesmental healthreligionspiritual affiliationrace Restrictive Confinement – Detailed DatasetCSV Segregation – Detailed DatasetCSV Segregation – Detailed Total DaysCSV Segregation Placements - Alerts and Hold Flags by InstitutionCSV Segregation Placements - Maximum, Median and Mode Consecutive Durations by RegionCSV Segregation Placements - Distribution of Placements by DurationCSV Segregation Placements - Reason for PlacementCSV Segregation Placements - Alerts and Hold Flags by GenderCSV Segregation Placements – Median and Mode Consecutive Durations by InstitutionCSV Individuals in Segregation - Number of Placements in SegregationCSV Individuals in Segregation and Restrictive Confinement - Total IndividualsCSV Individuals in Segregation and Restrictive Confinement by InstitutionCSV Individuals in Segregation and Restrictive Confinement by Race and GenderCSV Individuals in Segregation and Restrictive Confinement by Race and RegionCSV Individuals in Segregation and Restrictive Confinement by Religion and RegionCSV Individuals in Segregation and Restrictive Confinement by Age Category and RegionCSV Individuals in Segregation and Restrictive Confinement - Alerts and Hold FlagsCSV Individuals in Segregation and Restrictive Confinement by Religion and GenderCSV Individuals in Segregation and Restrictive Confinement by Age Category and GenderCSV Individuals in Segregation and Restrictive Confinement - Maximum, Median and Mode Aggregate Durations by InstitutionCSV Individuals in Segregation and Restrictive Confinement by- Aggregate Length of TimeCSV Individuals in Segregation and Restrictive Confinement - Maximum, Median and Mode Aggregate Durations by RegionCSV Deaths in Custody – Detailed DatasetCSV Deaths in Custody - GenderCSV Deaths in Custody - RaceCSV Deaths in Custody - ReligionCSV Deaths in Custody - Age CategoryCSV Deaths in Custody - Alerts and Medical Cause of DeathCSV Deaths in Custody - Medical Cause of Death and Housing UnitCSV Restrictive Confinement, Segregation and Deaths in Custody MetadataXLSX Deaths in Custody - Alerts and Housing Unit TypeCSV

The Ministry of the Solicitor General annually releases data on the segregation, restrictive confinement, and deaths in custody of inmates in Ontario’s adult correctional system. Data Source: Offender Tracking Information System (OTIS) Segregation is defined in Ontario Regulation 778 as any type of custody where an inmate is in highly restricted conditions for 22 to 24 hours or does not receive a minimum of two hours of meaningful social interaction each day, excluding circumstances of an unscheduled lockdown. A record is created each time an inmate meets the conditions of segregation and closed when the inmate no longer meets those conditions. A break in a segregation placement is defined as occurring when an individual is out of segregation conditions for 24 or more continuous hours. The Ministry of the Solicitor General defines restrictive confinement as any type of confinement that is more restrictive than the general population but less restrictive than segregation. As a result, the ministry is reporting on any case within the fiscal year reporting period where an individual was held in a unit regularly scheduled to be locked down for 17 hours or more per day. This timeframe is considered more restrictive than that of the general population based on an assessment of provincewide lockdown times. Regularly scheduled lockdowns are daily routine times where movement out of a cell is restricted, such as during meal times and overnight. The Ministry of the Solicitor General is committed to providing greater transparency by releasing data on all custodial-related deaths that occurred within the calendar year reporting period. The datasets in this category include information on gender, race, age, religion or spiritual affiliation, and alerts for mental health concerns and suicide risk. To simplify the provision of data, several data tables include information on both individuals in segregation conditions and individuals in restrictive confinement. Due to the differences in the way that the data on segregation conditions and restrictive confinement have been collected, and the differences in the definitions of these concepts, these numbers should not be compared to each other. Some individuals may have both placements in restrictive confinement and segregation conditions, within the reporting period. Therefore, these numbers should not be added together when calculating proportions out of the total. Please refer to for additional information on the data release, including written overviews of the data and disclosure on data collection methods.

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