Ontario Road Network: Segment with Address

Ontario Road Network: Segment with Address The ORN is a provincewide geographic database of over 250,000 kilometres of municipal roads, provincial highways and resource and recreational roads. The ORN is the authoritative source of roads data for the Government of Ontario. Road names in the ORN are the official names provided by the authoritative jurisdiction for each road segment, such as a municipality or the Ontario Government. The list of authoritative sources used for the ORN is in the “Ontario Road Network - List of Partners” document in the Supporting Files section below. You can also find the authoritative jurisdiction for a specific road feature in the Jurisdiction table in ORN Road Net Element. This dataset is derived from the [ORN Road Net Element](/dataset/ontario-road- network-road-net-element) data class. It combines three types of geometry: * road elements * ferry connections * virtual roads *[ORN]: Ontario Road Network 2024-05-15 Government of Ontario Economics and IndustryEconomy and BusinessEnvironment and Natural ResourcesInfrastructure and TransportationDriving and roadsGovernment information ORN Segment with Address - User GuideDOCX https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/0a38cc68-c82d-4125-bbe8-2ad73c2cb7f7/resource/967fdbec-d065-4723-b4a4-d346978a231f/download/orn_segment_with_address_-_user_guide.docx ORN Segment with Address - DocumentationDOCX https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/0a38cc68-c82d-4125-bbe8-2ad73c2cb7f7/resource/3b0b8ab4-8ffb-4a11-b31c-4541efe17402/download/orn_segment_with_address_-_documentation.docx ORN List of PartnersDOCX https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/0a38cc68-c82d-4125-bbe8-2ad73c2cb7f7/resource/38c53ca5-a47f-4e18-bd1d-286b68a70be4/download/orn_listofpartners.docx Ontario Road Network (ORN) Segment With Address (extracted from geohub)ESRI REST https://ws.lioservices.lrc.gov.on.ca/arcgis2/rest/services/LIO_OPEN_DATA/LIO_Open01/MapServer/32 Ontario Road Network (ORN) Segment With Address (extracted from geohub)ESRI REST https://ws.lioservices.lrc.gov.on.ca/arcgis2/rest/services/LIO_OPEN_DATA/LIO_Open01/MapServer/32 Access to Ontario Road Network: Segment with AddressHTML https://geohub.lio.gov.on.ca/datasets/mnrf::ontario-road-network-orn-segment-with-address Accéder à la page Réseau routier de l'Ontario : Tronçon avec AdresseHTML https://geohub-fr.lio.gov.on.ca/datasets/mnrf::r%C3%A9seau-routier-de-lontario-tron%C3%A7on-avec-adresse GO-ITS 29 Ontario Road NetworkHTML https://www.ontario.ca/document/go-its-29-ontario-road-network Original metadata (https://data.ontario.ca)HTML https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/0a38cc68-c82d-4125-bbe8-2ad73c2cb7f7 Original metadata (https://data.ontario.ca/fr)HTML https://data.ontario.ca/fr/dataset/0a38cc68-c82d-4125-bbe8-2ad73c2cb7f7 ORN Segment with Address - Data DescriptionPDF https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/0a38cc68-c82d-4125-bbe8-2ad73c2cb7f7/resource/e7d85954-71bf-4f07-af5a-46a94207a66a/download/orn_segment_with_address_-_data_description.pdf ORN Data Capture SpecificationsPDF https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/0a38cc68-c82d-4125-bbe8-2ad73c2cb7f7/resource/fc4be8d6-e62e-44ff-9f4e-f079ca8b5f2c/download/orn_data_capture_specifications.pdf Complete File Geodatabase (extracted from geohub)ZIP https://www.gisapplication.lrc.gov.on.ca/fmedatadownload/Packages/fgdb/ORNSEGAD.zip Complete Shapefile (extracted from geohub)ZIP https://www.gisapplication.lrc.gov.on.ca/fmedatadownload/Packages/ORNSEGAD.zip QGIS Layer Definition File (.qlr) (extracted from geohub)other https://www.publicdocs.mnr.gov.on.ca/mirb/lio-open-qlr-eng/ontario-road-network-orn-segment-with-address.qlr QGIS Layer Definition File (.qlr) (extracted from geohub)other https://www.publicdocs.mnr.gov.on.ca/mirb/lio-open-qlr-fre/réseau-routier-de-lontario-tronçon-avec-adresse.qlr

The ORN is a provincewide geographic database of over 250,000 kilometres of municipal roads, provincial highways and resource and recreational roads. The ORN is the authoritative source of roads data for the Government of Ontario. Road names in the ORN are the official names provided by the authoritative jurisdiction for each road segment, such as a municipality or the Ontario Government. The list of authoritative sources used for the ORN is in the “Ontario Road Network - List of Partners” document in the Supporting Files section below. You can also find the authoritative jurisdiction for a specific road feature in the Jurisdiction table in ORN Road Net Element. This dataset is derived from the ORN Road Net Element data class. It combines three types of geometry: * road elements * ferry connections * virtual roads *[ORN]: Ontario Road Network

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