Volcanic-associated massive sulphide (VMS) mineralization in the Yukon-Tanana Terrane and coeval strata of the North American miogeocline, in the Yukon and adjacent areas

Volcanic-associated massive sulphide (VMS) mineralization in the Yukon-Tanana Terrane and coeval strata of the North American miogeocline, in the Yukon and adjacent areas Discovery of the volcanic-associated massive sulphide (VMS) Kudz Ze Kayah (KZK) deposit in 1994, closelyfollowed by the discovery of the Wolverine VMS deposit, resulted in a period of intense exploration activity in Yukon. This led to the discovery of additional VMS mineralization that includes GP4F, Ice and significant new reserves at Fyre Lake. Numerous VMS prospects were identified. The Fyre Lake, KZK, GP4F, Wolverine, and Ice VMS deposits are hosted by the Yukon-Tanana Terrane (YTT) in the Finlayson Lake district of southeastern Yukon. The Fyre Lake deposit (8 200 000 tonnes of 2.1% Cu and 0.73 g/t Au) is stratigraphically lowest and occurs in mafic metavolcanic rocks of the Devonian to Mississippian Grass Lakes succession. The KZK and GP4F deposits (13 000 000 tonnes of 5.5% Zn, 1% Cu, 1.3% Pb, 125 g/t Ag and 1.2 g/t Au and 1 500 000 tonnes of 6.4% Zn, 3.1% Pb, 0.1% Cu, 89.7 g/t Ag and 2.0 g/t Au, respectively) are within the Devonian to Mississippian succession but lie stratigraphically above Fyre Lake in felsic metavolcanic rocks. The Wolverine deposit (6 237 000 tonnes of 12.66% Zn, 1.33% Cu, 1.55% Pb, 370.9 g/t Ag and 1.76 g/t Au) is hosted by Carboniferous rhyolitic metavolcanic rocks and carbonaceous argillite of the Wolverine succession. The Ice deposit (4 561 863 tonnes of 1.48% Cu ) occurs highest in the stratigraphy and is hosted within late Palaeozoic mafic metavolcanic and associated metasedimentary rocks of the Campbell Range succession. The YTT underlies a large part of Yukon, east-central Alaska and parts of British Columbia. VMS mineralization occurs within rocks of the YTT in the Dawson and Glenlyon areas of Yukon, in the Teslin-Rancheria area in Yukon and adjacent British Columbia, and in several areas within Alaska, as well as in the Finlayson Lake area of the Yukon. In the Dawson area, which lays adjacent to the massive-sulphide-rich Finlayson Lake district (before approximately 425 km of right lateral movement on the Tintina Fault), VMS prospects are hosted in Late Devonian to mid-Mississippian Nasina Assemblage and Permian Klondike Schist. In the Glenlyon area, massive sulphide mineralization and chert horizons occur within a belt of rocks that is at least 20 km long. In the Teslin-Rancheria area and adjacent northern British Columbia, several VMS prospects have been identified. The Alaskan VMS occurrences are in the Delta, Bonnifield and Trident Glacier districts. Exploration during this period was not confined to the YTT but extended into rocks of the North American miogeocline that are coeval, and possibly correlative, with Devono-Mississippian strata of the YTT. This led to the discovery of additional resources at the Marg and Wolf VMS deposits. The Marg deposit (5 527 002 tonnes of 1.76% Cu, 2.46% Pb, 4.60% Zn, 62.7 g/t Ag and 1.0 g/t Au) occurs in the Selwyn Basin within a Devonian to Mississippian sequence of carbonaceous siliceous phyllite, quartz-muscovite and quartz-chlorite phyllite and massive quartzite. These strata also host the Jane prospect. The Wolf deposit (4.1 million tonnes of 6.2% Zn, 1.8% Pb and 84 g/t Ag) occurs in the Pelly-Cassiar Platform within the Devono-Mississippian Pelly Mountains volcanic belt and is hosted by felsic metavolcanic and associated metasedimentary rocks. Numerous other VMS prospects, including MM, occur throughout the length of this 80-km-long volcanic belt. The newly defined VMS deposits are comparable in size to the average Canadian VMS deposit indicating the discoveries are significant. Mineralization in the YTT occurs in Late Devonian to Permian strata thus there are several prospective horizons and the potential for additional discoveries is significant. 2024-02-16 Government of Yukon geology@gov.yk.ca Science and TechnologyYukon Geological SurveyYukon Data Appendicesother https://ygsftp.gov.yk.ca/publications/bulletin/bulletin12/appendices.zip PackagePDF https://ygsftp.gov.yk.ca/publications/bulletin/bulletin12/bulletin12.pdf Original metadata (https://open.yukon.ca)HTML https://open.yukon.ca/data/datasets/volcanic-associated-massive-sulphide-vms-mineralization-yukon-tanana-terrane-and

Discovery of the volcanic-associated massive sulphide (VMS) Kudz Ze Kayah (KZK) deposit in 1994, closelyfollowed by the discovery of the Wolverine VMS deposit, resulted in a period of intense exploration activity in Yukon. This led to the discovery of additional VMS mineralization that includes GP4F, Ice and significant new reserves at Fyre Lake. Numerous VMS prospects were identified. The Fyre Lake, KZK, GP4F, Wolverine, and Ice VMS deposits are hosted by the Yukon-Tanana Terrane (YTT) in the Finlayson Lake district of southeastern Yukon. The Fyre Lake deposit (8 200 000 tonnes of 2.1% Cu and 0.73 g/t Au) is stratigraphically lowest and occurs in mafic metavolcanic rocks of the Devonian to Mississippian Grass Lakes succession. The KZK and GP4F deposits (13 000 000 tonnes of 5.5% Zn, 1% Cu, 1.3% Pb, 125 g/t Ag and 1.2 g/t Au and 1 500 000 tonnes of 6.4% Zn, 3.1% Pb, 0.1% Cu, 89.7 g/t Ag and 2.0 g/t Au, respectively) are within the Devonian to Mississippian succession but lie stratigraphically above Fyre Lake in felsic metavolcanic rocks. The Wolverine deposit (6 237 000 tonnes of 12.66% Zn, 1.33% Cu, 1.55% Pb, 370.9 g/t Ag and 1.76 g/t Au) is hosted by Carboniferous rhyolitic metavolcanic rocks and carbonaceous argillite of the Wolverine succession. The Ice deposit (4 561 863 tonnes of 1.48% Cu ) occurs highest in the stratigraphy and is hosted within late Palaeozoic mafic metavolcanic and associated metasedimentary rocks of the Campbell Range succession. The YTT underlies a large part of Yukon, east-central Alaska and parts of British Columbia. VMS mineralization occurs within rocks of the YTT in the Dawson and Glenlyon areas of Yukon, in the Teslin-Rancheria area in Yukon and adjacent British Columbia, and in several areas within Alaska, as well as in the Finlayson Lake area of the Yukon. In the Dawson area, which lays adjacent to the massive-sulphide-rich Finlayson Lake district (before approximately 425 km of right lateral movement on the Tintina Fault), VMS prospects are hosted in Late Devonian to mid-Mississippian Nasina Assemblage and Permian Klondike Schist. In the Glenlyon area, massive sulphide mineralization and chert horizons occur within a belt of rocks that is at least 20 km long. In the Teslin-Rancheria area and adjacent northern British Columbia, several VMS prospects have been identified. The Alaskan VMS occurrences are in the Delta, Bonnifield and Trident Glacier districts. Exploration during this period was not confined to the YTT but extended into rocks of the North American miogeocline that are coeval, and possibly correlative, with Devono-Mississippian strata of the YTT. This led to the discovery of additional resources at the Marg and Wolf VMS deposits. The Marg deposit (5 527 002 tonnes of 1.76% Cu, 2.46% Pb, 4.60% Zn, 62.7 g/t Ag and 1.0 g/t Au) occurs in the Selwyn Basin within a Devonian to Mississippian sequence of carbonaceous siliceous phyllite, quartz-muscovite and quartz-chlorite phyllite and massive quartzite. These strata also host the Jane prospect. The Wolf deposit (4.1 million tonnes of 6.2% Zn, 1.8% Pb and 84 g/t Ag) occurs in the Pelly-Cassiar Platform within the Devono-Mississippian Pelly Mountains volcanic belt and is hosted by felsic metavolcanic and associated metasedimentary rocks. Numerous other VMS prospects, including MM, occur throughout the length of this 80-km-long volcanic belt. The newly defined VMS deposits are comparable in size to the average Canadian VMS deposit indicating the discoveries are significant. Mineralization in the YTT occurs in Late Devonian to Permian strata thus there are several prospective horizons and the potential for additional discoveries is significant.

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