Biomass Agriculture Inventory Median Values

Biomass Agriculture Inventory Median Values The “Biomass Agriculture Inventory Median Values” dataset is a table that contains the median agricultural residue yield and crop production for each Biomass Report Framework cell. It provides the median annual value for the years 1985-2016. The table includes straw or stover information for barley, wheat, flax, oats and corn, and crop information for barley, wheat, flax, oats, corn, canola and soybean. This dataset also includes information about the type of tillage used in the area and demand for straw used for cattle bedding and feed. These values are derived from Statistics Canada data. Additionally, the dataset includes the amount of agricultural residue calculated as necessary to remain on the field to prevent soil degradation. The risk of soil degradation is directly related to the type of tillage in use as well as the landscape attributes of the area. 2024-06-17 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada AgricultureBiomassAgriculture Data Product Specification (English)PDF Data Product Specification (French)PDF Pre-packaged CSV filesCSV

The “Biomass Agriculture Inventory Median Values” dataset is a table that contains the median agricultural residue yield and crop production for each Biomass Report Framework cell. It provides the median annual value for the years 1985-2016.

The table includes straw or stover information for barley, wheat, flax, oats and corn, and crop information for barley, wheat, flax, oats, corn, canola and soybean.

This dataset also includes information about the type of tillage used in the area and demand for straw used for cattle bedding and feed. These values are derived from Statistics Canada data. Additionally, the dataset includes the amount of agricultural residue calculated as necessary to remain on the field to prevent soil degradation. The risk of soil degradation is directly related to the type of tillage in use as well as the landscape attributes of the area.

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