Wildlife habitat matrices and habitat descriptions for rare vascular plants

Wildlife habitat matrices and habitat descriptions for rare vascular plants Please note that the information contained within this appendix is considered to be a snapshot in time when the Significant Wildlife Habitat Technical Guide was developed. We are no longer updating this data. It is best suited for historical research and analysis. This appendix contains specific habitat descriptions for plant and animal (amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals) species that occur in Ontario, and which are most likely to be affected by changes in the landscape as a result of development pressures associated with the *Planning Act*. The tables identify those animal species that use many of the habitat categories identified as significant. These include: * seasonal concentrations of wildlife * specialized habitats for wildlife * habitat for species of conservation concern * animal movement corridors The ministry has prepared a series of ecoregion criteria schedules that expand upon the information provided in the Significant Wildlife Habitat Technical Guide on an ecoregional basis and contain more up to date information. Where ecoregion criteria schedules have not yet been developed, the Significant Wildlife Habitat Technical Guide should be consulted along with the process outlined in the [Natural Heritage Reference Manual, 2010](https://www.ontario.ca/page/natural-heritage-reference-manual). [Significant wildlife habitat ecoregional criteria schedules: Ecoregion 3E](https://www.ontario.ca/document/significant-wildlife-habitat-ecoregional-criteria-schedules-ecoregion-3e) (English only PDF) [Significant wildlife habitat ecoregional criteria schedules: Ecoregion 5E](https://www.ontario.ca/document/significant-wildlife-habitat-ecoregional-criteria-schedules-ecoregion-5e) (English only PDF) [Significant wildlife habitat ecoregional criteria schedules: Ecoregion 6E](https://www.ontario.ca/document/significant-wildlife-habitat-ecoregional-criteria-schedules-ecoregion-6e) (English only PDF) [Significant wildlife habitat ecoregional criteria schedules: Ecoregion 7E](https://www.ontario.ca/document/significant-wildlife-habitat-ecoregional-criteria-schedules-ecoregion-7e) (English only PDF) 2024-07-24 Government of Ontario Government and PoliticsSignificant Wildlife Habitat Technical GuideEnvironmental and Natural Resources Table G-1CSV https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/0f174704-81f4-41c2-869a-bfe7d7206125/resource/2158c92a-baec-4ebb-8543-d65c5f2cdc49/download/mnrf-swh-app-g-table-g-1-habitat-descriptions-native-ontario-amphibians-en-utf8-2020-02-03-v2.csv Table G-2CSV https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/0f174704-81f4-41c2-869a-bfe7d7206125/resource/685ee241-c896-40dd-a785-ded00cc7ee96/download/mnrf-swh-app-g-table-g-2-habitat-descriptions-native-ontario-reptiles-en-utf8-2020-02-03-v2_0.csv Table G-3CSV https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/0f174704-81f4-41c2-869a-bfe7d7206125/resource/dce3a95c-d447-40dc-95af-1d9cce306579/download/mnrf-swh-app-g-table-g-3-habitat-descriptions-native-ontario-birds-en-utf8-2020-02-03-v2.csv Table G-4CSV https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/0f174704-81f4-41c2-869a-bfe7d7206125/resource/5e3d5255-5bde-41de-8d81-d5b441424f2a/download/mnrf-swh-app-g-table-g-4-habitat-descriptions-native-ontario-mammals-en-utf8-2020-02-03-v2.csv Table G-5CSV https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/0f174704-81f4-41c2-869a-bfe7d7206125/resource/42b7b61a-5342-4a6e-bc17-c1c7ec4024c0/download/mnrf-swh-app-g-table-g-5-habitat-descriptions-rare-vascular-plants-en-utf8-2020-02-03-v2.csv

Please note that the information contained within this appendix is considered to be a snapshot in time when the Significant Wildlife Habitat Technical Guide was developed. We are no longer updating this data. It is best suited for historical research and analysis. This appendix contains specific habitat descriptions for plant and animal (amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals) species that occur in Ontario, and which are most likely to be affected by changes in the landscape as a result of development pressures associated with the Planning Act. The tables identify those animal species that use many of the habitat categories identified as significant. These include: * seasonal concentrations of wildlife * specialized habitats for wildlife * habitat for species of conservation concern * animal movement corridors The ministry has prepared a series of ecoregion criteria schedules that expand upon the information provided in the Significant Wildlife Habitat Technical Guide on an ecoregional basis and contain more up to date information. Where ecoregion criteria schedules have not yet been developed, the Significant Wildlife Habitat Technical Guide should be consulted along with the process outlined in the Natural Heritage Reference Manual, 2010. Significant wildlife habitat ecoregional criteria schedules: Ecoregion 3E (English only PDF) Significant wildlife habitat ecoregional criteria schedules: Ecoregion 5E (English only PDF) Significant wildlife habitat ecoregional criteria schedules: Ecoregion 6E (English only PDF) Significant wildlife habitat ecoregional criteria schedules: Ecoregion 7E (English only PDF)

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