Aerial imagery - orthophotographic mosaics

Aerial imagery - orthophotographic mosaics Orthophotographic mosaics present an aerial view of Quebec territory at different times. They can be combined with topographic data to contribute to better analysis of the territory. Each image has been analytically straightened to eliminate inaccuracies caused by the camera being tilted at the time of shooting or by the image being moved due to terrain. These collections are the result of governmental and regional initiatives. They were recently acquired through collaboration with some of the ministries and agencies and with municipal authorities. For product ownership information please refer to the metadata in the “Data” section: download index and metadata or the ** [download map] ( **. They are free to download, as they were acquired under an open data license (** [Creative Commons 4.0] ( **). Two formats are available: JPEG 2000 associated with a division by regional county municipality (MRC) and GeoTIFF associated with a division by tile. The resolution varies from 15 to 20 cm and the image type is in natural color. For more information on priced aerial imagery, please consult the sheet ** [aerial imagery] ( ** in the “Maps and Geographic Information” section of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources website.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).** 2024-06-17 Government and Municipalities of Québec Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and Technology Download index and metadataCSV Download map and metadataHTML Interactive imagery map (visualization)HTML,7087608.475169053&echelle=15700205&epsg=3857&gpz_nomMap=-%20Imagerie%20a%C3%A9rienne%20en%20donn%C3%A9es%20ouvertes Original metadata ( Download index and metadataSHP Download index web serviceother

Orthophotographic mosaics present an aerial view of Quebec territory at different times. They can be combined with topographic data to contribute to better analysis of the territory. Each image has been analytically straightened to eliminate inaccuracies caused by the camera being tilted at the time of shooting or by the image being moved due to terrain. These collections are the result of governmental and regional initiatives. They were recently acquired through collaboration with some of the ministries and agencies and with municipal authorities. For product ownership information please refer to the metadata in the “Data” section: download index and metadata or the [download map] ( . They are free to download, as they were acquired under an open data license ( [Creative Commons 4.0] ( ). Two formats are available: JPEG 2000 associated with a division by regional county municipality (MRC) and GeoTIFF associated with a division by tile. The resolution varies from 15 to 20 cm and the image type is in natural color. For more information on priced aerial imagery, please consult the sheet [aerial imagery] ( in the “Maps and Geographic Information” section of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources website.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).

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