Furs, Whaling and Fish Processing

Furs, Whaling and Fish Processing Contained within the 3rd Edition (1957) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows 14 condensed maps including large scale selected areas, and smaller scaled maps of Canada. The six maps in the top left portion of this plate illustrate the number of pelts taken in the 1950/1951 furring season by province and territory for the following animals: wild beaver, wild and ranch raised mink, wild ermine, wild muskrat, wild and ranch raised fox, and wild squirrel. An additional summary map shows the pelts taken for all fur bearing animals in the 1950/1951 furring season. The map in the bottom left portion of this plate shows the distribution of fur farms, and the distribution of fur trading establishments. As trapping was carried on in nearly all parts of Canada, establishments licensed to buy furs were found throughout the country. However, only those outside the main, generally settled areas were shown individually on this map. Several maps on the upper right portion of this plate deal with sealing, whaling and fish processing. The first of these maps shows the migration route of harp seals and separately indicates the number of pups and adult harp seals caught annually by Canadians as of the 1958 publication date of this atlas plate. The next map shows the species distribution of whales on the West Coast and the location of a whaling station. Another map shows fin whale migration routes and the location of a fin whale whaling station as well as two pilot whale whaling stations on the East Coast. This map also indicates where pilot whales were abundant or frequently found. It should be noted that the locations of whaling stations shown on these maps is as of the 1958 publication date of this atlas plate. Two other maps show the distribution of fish processing plants for the East and West Coasts. The final map, on the bottom right portion of this plate shows the distribution of the 1951 labour force engaged in fishing and trapping. 2022-03-14 Natural Resources Canada geoinfo@nrcan.gc.ca Economics and Industryanimal husbandryfisheries managementfisheries productsfurshunting - sportsealingsealswhaleswhaling Download the English JPG through HTTPJPG https://ftp.geogratis.gc.ca/pub/nrcan_rncan/raster/atlas_3_ed/eng/economic/resourceindustries/058.jpg Download the English PDF through HTTPPDF https://ftp.geogratis.gc.ca/pub/nrcan_rncan/raster/atlas_3_ed/eng/economic/resourceindustries/058.pdf Download the French JPG through HTTPJPG https://ftp.geogratis.gc.ca/pub/nrcan_rncan/raster/atlas_3_ed/fra/economic/resourceindustries/058.jpg Download the French PDF through HTTPPDF https://ftp.geogratis.gc.ca/pub/nrcan_rncan/raster/atlas_3_ed/fra/economic/resourceindustries/058.pdf

Contained within the 3rd Edition (1957) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows 14 condensed maps including large scale selected areas, and smaller scaled maps of Canada. The six maps in the top left portion of this plate illustrate the number of pelts taken in the 1950/1951 furring season by province and territory for the following animals: wild beaver, wild and ranch raised mink, wild ermine, wild muskrat, wild and ranch raised fox, and wild squirrel. An additional summary map shows the pelts taken for all fur bearing animals in the 1950/1951 furring season. The map in the bottom left portion of this plate shows the distribution of fur farms, and the distribution of fur trading establishments. As trapping was carried on in nearly all parts of Canada, establishments licensed to buy furs were found throughout the country. However, only those outside the main, generally settled areas were shown individually on this map. Several maps on the upper right portion of this plate deal with sealing, whaling and fish processing. The first of these maps shows the migration route of harp seals and separately indicates the number of pups and adult harp seals caught annually by Canadians as of the 1958 publication date of this atlas plate. The next map shows the species distribution of whales on the West Coast and the location of a whaling station. Another map shows fin whale migration routes and the location of a fin whale whaling station as well as two pilot whale whaling stations on the East Coast. This map also indicates where pilot whales were abundant or frequently found. It should be noted that the locations of whaling stations shown on these maps is as of the 1958 publication date of this atlas plate. Two other maps show the distribution of fish processing plants for the East and West Coasts. The final map, on the bottom right portion of this plate shows the distribution of the 1951 labour force engaged in fishing and trapping.

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