Veterans Affairs Canada Accessibility Progress Report 2023

Veterans Affairs Canada Accessibility Progress Report 2023 VAC is proud to release this 2023 Accessibility Progress Report, which highlights achievements since the Plan was implemented. 1 VAC’s Accessibility Action Plan includes the Bureau of Pensions Advocates, as well as the Office of the Veterans Ombud. 6 This 2023 Accessibility Progress Report does not cover the entire 2023 calendar year, given the time that was required to have the Report approved and published. With that said, any progress made in 2023 that is not addressed in this Report will be covered in the 2024 Progress Report. The Department also notes that at the time this report was ready for publication, VAC’s analysis of the 2022 Public Service Employee Survey (PSES) results was still underway. However, the Department expects that actions and measures developed in response to these results, as well as measures for the Department’s Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan, will support future progress reporting and our journey to inclusion and accessibility confidence. As the Department moves forward on its journey to become barrier-free, we will embrace the opportunity to report back annually on progress, and to strengthen our performance measurement capacity. Through updated accessibility action plans and progress reports, the Department will hold itself accountable, and will also respond to the Clerk of the Privy Council’s Call to Action on Anti-Racism, Equity and Inclusion. 2024-01-17 Veterans Affairs Canada Government and PoliticsAccessibility Progress ReportAccessibility Veterans Affairs Canada Accessibility Progress Report 2023HTML Veterans Affairs Canada Accessibility Progress Report 2023HTML

VAC is proud to release this 2023 Accessibility Progress Report, which highlights achievements since the Plan was implemented. 1 VAC’s Accessibility Action Plan includes the Bureau of Pensions Advocates, as well as the Office of the Veterans Ombud. 6 This 2023 Accessibility Progress Report does not cover the entire 2023 calendar year, given the time that was required to have the Report approved and published. With that said, any progress made in 2023 that is not addressed in this Report will be covered in the 2024 Progress Report. The Department also notes that at the time this report was ready for publication, VAC’s analysis of the 2022 Public Service Employee Survey (PSES) results was still underway. However, the Department expects that actions and measures developed in response to these results, as well as measures for the Department’s Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan, will support future progress reporting and our journey to inclusion and accessibility confidence. As the Department moves forward on its journey to become barrier-free, we will embrace the opportunity to report back annually on progress, and to strengthen our performance measurement capacity. Through updated accessibility action plans and progress reports, the Department will hold itself accountable, and will also respond to the Clerk of the Privy Council’s Call to Action on Anti-Racism, Equity and Inclusion.

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