Quartz Claims - 50k

Quartz Claims - 50k A claim is a parcel of land located or granted for hard rock mining. A claim also includes any ditches or water rights used for mining the claim, and all other things belonging to or used in the working of the claim for mining purposes. A claim is a rectangular plot of ground that does not exceed 1,500' X 1,500'. All angles of a claim must be right angles, except in cases where a boundary line of a previously located claim is adopted as common to both locations. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information: geomatics.help@yukon.ca 2024-03-18 Government of Yukon geomatics.help@yukon.ca Economics and IndustryNature and Environmentyukon territoryminingsubsurface rightmineral titlehard rock miningquartzyukongeoyukonGovernment information Quartz Claims - 50kHTML https://yukon.maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=871f84d5f97942bba49f9f8e66af76b8 Original metadata (https://open.yukon.ca)HTML https://open.yukon.ca/data/datasets/quartz-claims-50k Quartz Claims - 50kXML https://yukon.maps.arcgis.com/sharing/rest/content/items/871f84d5f97942bba49f9f8e66af76b8/info/metadata/metadata.xml?format=default&output=html Quartz Claims - 50kother https://map-data.service.yukon.ca/GeoYukon/Mining/Quartz_Claims_50k/

A claim is a parcel of land located or granted for hard rock mining. A claim also includes any ditches or water rights used for mining the claim, and all other things belonging to or used in the working of the claim for mining purposes. A claim is a rectangular plot of ground that does not exceed 1,500' X 1,500'. All angles of a claim must be right angles, except in cases where a boundary line of a previously located claim is adopted as common to both locations. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information: geomatics.help@yukon.ca

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Electronic Mail Address: geomatics.help@yukon.ca

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