Biomass Inventory Mapping and Analysis – Business Data

Biomass Inventory Mapping and Analysis – Business Data “Biomass Inventory Mapping and Analysis – Business Data” provides a number of datasets related to the yield and production of residues from the agricultural and forestry industry, agricultural crops, and municipal solid wastes across Canada. The datasets contain agricultural residue production information (i.e., straw or stover) for barley, wheat, flax, oats and corn, and crop production information for barley, wheat, flax, oats, corn, canola and soybean. They also include information about amounts of straw required for cattle bedding and feeding, the type of tillage used in an area, and the amount of residue needed for soil conservation purposes. Datasets in the series provide the yield, production and other information for the median year and 1-in-10 year and 1-in-20 year lows. The forestry inventory dataset provides information about the location and quantity of residues from the forestry industry, as well as urban wood waste and potential sites and productivity of plantations of fast-growing trees that are grown as feedstock. Forestry residues include material left at the roadside after harvesting and excess and waste materials from mills. The municipal solid waste inventory dataset provides information about the approximate location and quantity of different types of municipal solid wastes, such as organics (including food and yard), paper and total. A transportation network dataset and datasets that are used to calculate cost to harvest and transport biomass are also included in this series. 2024-06-17 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada AgricultureEconomics and IndustryTransportBiomassAgriculture Data Product Specification (English)PDF Data Product Specification (French)PDF Pre-packaged FGDB filesFGDB/GDB Pre-packaged GeoJSON filesGEOJSON Pre-packaged CSV filesCSV BIMAT ArcGIS serviceESRI REST BIMAT ArcGIS serviceESRI REST BIMAT web mapping serviceWMS BIMAT web mapping serviceWMS

“Biomass Inventory Mapping and Analysis – Business Data” provides a number of datasets related to the yield and production of residues from the agricultural and forestry industry, agricultural crops, and municipal solid wastes across Canada. The datasets contain agricultural residue production information (i.e., straw or stover) for barley, wheat, flax, oats and corn, and crop production information for barley, wheat, flax, oats, corn, canola and soybean. They also include information about amounts of straw required for cattle bedding and feeding, the type of tillage used in an area, and the amount of residue needed for soil conservation purposes. Datasets in the series provide the yield, production and other information for the median year and 1-in-10 year and 1-in-20 year lows. The forestry inventory dataset provides information about the location and quantity of residues from the forestry industry, as well as urban wood waste and potential sites and productivity of plantations of fast-growing trees that are grown as feedstock. Forestry residues include material left at the roadside after harvesting and excess and waste materials from mills. The municipal solid waste inventory dataset provides information about the approximate location and quantity of different types of municipal solid wastes, such as organics (including food and yard), paper and total. A transportation network dataset and datasets that are used to calculate cost to harvest and transport biomass are also included in this series.

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