AAFC Infrastructure Flood Mapping in Saskatchewan 1 meter Bare Earth Hillshade

AAFC Infrastructure Flood Mapping in Saskatchewan 1 meter Bare Earth Hillshade The AAFC Infrastructure Flood Mapping in Saskatchewan 1 meter Bare Earth Hillshade is are the bare earth hillshades created at a 1 m interval for the capture area of Saskatchewan. The bare earth hillshade images were derived from the bare earth DEM. The hillshades were created using a 315 degree sun azimuth and 45 degree sun angle. 2023-02-15 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada agri-geomatics-agrog@agr.gc.ca Form DescriptorsTopography Data Product Specification (French)PDF https://agriculture.canada.ca/atlas/data_donnees/skInfrastructureFloodMapping/supportdocument_documentdesupport/fr/Cartographie_des_risques_dinondation_des_infrastructures_dAAC_en_Saskatchewan_ISO_19131.pdf Data Product Specification (English)PDF https://agriculture.canada.ca/atlas/data_donnees/skInfrastructureFloodMapping/supportdocument_documentdesupport/en/ISO_19131_AAFC_Infrastructure_Flood_Mapping_in_Saskatchewan_Data_Product_Specification.pdf AAFC - Multiple Sites - Saskatchewan Spring 2012 Collection LiDAR Survey ReportPDF https://agriculture.canada.ca/atlas/data_donnees/skInfrastructureFloodMapping/supportdocument_documentdesupport/en/LiDAR_Spring2012.pdf AAFC - Multiple Sites - Saskatchewan LiDAR Survey ReportPDF https://agriculture.canada.ca/atlas/data_donnees/skInfrastructureFloodMapping/supportdocument_documentdesupport/en/AAFC_Survey_Report.pdf Pre-packaged GeoTIF filesGeoTIF https://agriculture.canada.ca/atlas/data_donnees/skInfrastructureFloodMapping/data_donnees/tif/dem_be/

The AAFC Infrastructure Flood Mapping in Saskatchewan 1 meter Bare Earth Hillshade is are the bare earth hillshades created at a 1 m interval for the capture area of Saskatchewan. The bare earth hillshade images were derived from the bare earth DEM. The hillshades were created using a 315 degree sun azimuth and 45 degree sun angle.

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Country: Canada

Electronic Mail Address: agri-geomatics-agrog@agr.gc.ca

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