Ontario Watershed Information Tool (OWIT)

Ontario Watershed Information Tool (OWIT) The Ontario Watershed Information Tool (OWIT) is used to calculate information about Ontario’s watersheds. Watersheds are areas of land where surface water converges to a single point. Water professionals in the public and private sectors and academia use OWIT to better understand water flow in Ontario. The general public use OWIT for educational or general interest purposes. You can use the tool to: * create a map of a watershed * characterize the watershed * extract land cover information 2024-07-17 Government of Ontario Economics and IndustryEnvironment and Natural ResourcesGovernment information Ontario Watershed Information Tool (OWIT)other https://www.lioapplications.lrc.gov.on.ca/OWIT/index.html?viewer=OWIT.OWIT&locale=en-CA L’Outil d'information sur les bassins versants en Ontario (OIBVO)other https://www.lioapplications.lrc.gov.on.ca/OWIT/index.html?viewer=OWIT.OWIT&locale=fr-CA

The Ontario Watershed Information Tool (OWIT) is used to calculate information about Ontario’s watersheds. Watersheds are areas of land where surface water converges to a single point. Water professionals in the public and private sectors and academia use OWIT to better understand water flow in Ontario. The general public use OWIT for educational or general interest purposes. You can use the tool to: * create a map of a watershed * characterize the watershed * extract land cover information

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