Private Map (Managed Forest Code 50)

Private Map (Managed Forest Code 50) Private map (managed forest code 50) used in the Story Map of Forest Management in Canada, 2017. Private map (managed forest code 50) used in the  Story Map of Forest Management in Canada, 2017. Private lands were identified using provincial and territorial land ownership datasets. Detailed ownership datasets were not available in all jurisdictions, so proxies were used where necessary. In Saskatchewan, lands south of the province's Commercial Forest Zone were classified as Private. This includes some Crown lands, but these are generally small and not included in forest management plans or leased for commercial forestry purposes. Source:  This web map shows the private areas used in the map of forest management in Canada, 2017 and includes the following tiled layer: Private (Managed Forest Code 50)Data provided by Alberta Agriculture and Forestry; British Columbia Ministry of Forests; Manitoba Sustainable Development; Natural Resources Canada; New Brunswick Department of Energy and Resource Development; Newfoundland & Labrador Department of Fisheries and Land Resources; Northwest Territories Department of Environment and Natural Resources; Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forestry; Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry; Prince Edward Island Department of Communities, Land & Environment; Québec Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs; Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment; and Yukon Energy, Mines and Resources. 2024-06-17 Government of Manitoba Nature and EnvironmentSociety and CulturePrivate50CCFMForest ManagementCanadaCanadian Council of Forest MinistersManitobaProvince of ManitobaPublicForestryEnvironmentForestsResource ManagementNatural ResourcesConservation AreasGeographic DataMapsGovernment information original metadata (

Private map (managed forest code 50) used in the Story Map of Forest Management in Canada, 2017.

Private map (managed forest code 50) used in the  Story Map of Forest Management in Canada, 2017. Private lands were identified using provincial and territorial land ownership datasets. Detailed ownership datasets were not available in all jurisdictions, so proxies were used where necessary. In Saskatchewan, lands south of the province's Commercial Forest Zone were classified as Private. This includes some Crown lands, but these are generally small and not included in forest management plans or leased for commercial forestry purposes. Source:  This web map shows the private areas used in the map of forest management in Canada, 2017 and includes the following tiled layer: Private (Managed Forest Code 50)Data provided by Alberta Agriculture and Forestry; British Columbia Ministry of Forests; Manitoba Sustainable Development; Natural Resources Canada; New Brunswick Department of Energy and Resource Development; Newfoundland & Labrador Department of Fisheries and Land Resources; Northwest Territories Department of Environment and Natural Resources; Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forestry; Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry; Prince Edward Island Department of Communities, Land & Environment; Québec Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs; Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment; and Yukon Energy, Mines and Resources.

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