Cubing rate and prediction models

Cubing rate and prediction models __The link: *Access the data directory* is available in the section*Dataset Description Sheets; Additional Information*__. Two products are available to know the gross commercial volume of a tree according to its diameter at chest height (DHP) and its height. Their contents and the way of using them are different, but they both make it possible to obtain gross commercial volume values per tree. The first product is the LIN3 cubing rate. It is presented in the form of a table where the values of the gross market volume can be extracted directly. These are local rates, i.e. the height used in the general rate equation (volume prediction models) is predicted by height-DHP relationships developed per survey unit. The second product offers increased precision. It is presented in the form of several tables where the values of the gross commercial volume do not appear directly. Rather, the content of these tables is used to apply models to predict the height and gross commercial volume of a tree. Height prediction models are also developed locally at the scale of survey units. The use of the product requires consultation of the document [“Models for predicting the height and gross commercial volume of trees - Method and use”] ( __ Recommendation of the Forest Inventories Directorate: __ it is preferable to use the models for predicting the height and the gross market volume in the territories where they are available. In the absence of these models, it is still possible to use the LIN3 cubing rate.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).** 2024-05-02 Government and Municipalities of Québec Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and Technology LIN3 cubing rateFGDB/GDB Models for predicting gross market height and volumeFGDB/GDB LIN3 cubing rateGPKG Models for predicting gross market height and volumeGPKG Open forestHTML¢er=-67.99891,48.9935&invisiblelayers=*&visiblelayers=634387214b14c87b4f78d72d2717829f,1da64ddfeaf23710b8a9ad95133fb5d8 Original metadata ( Availability of cubing rates (LIN3)PDF Availability of the tree height prediction modelPDF READ ME - Models for predicting the height of gross market volumePDF READ ME - LIN3 cubing ratesPDF Models for predicting tree height and gross market volumePDF General cubing rate - Gross market volumePDF Development of a general cubing rate for Quebec forests: an approach to better assess the uncertainty associated with forecastsPDF Data downloadPDF

The link: Access the data directory is available in the sectionDataset Description Sheets; Additional Information. Two products are available to know the gross commercial volume of a tree according to its diameter at chest height (DHP) and its height. Their contents and the way of using them are different, but they both make it possible to obtain gross commercial volume values per tree. The first product is the LIN3 cubing rate. It is presented in the form of a table where the values of the gross market volume can be extracted directly. These are local rates, i.e. the height used in the general rate equation (volume prediction models) is predicted by height-DHP relationships developed per survey unit. The second product offers increased precision. It is presented in the form of several tables where the values of the gross commercial volume do not appear directly. Rather, the content of these tables is used to apply models to predict the height and gross commercial volume of a tree. Height prediction models are also developed locally at the scale of survey units. The use of the product requires consultation of the document [“Models for predicting the height and gross commercial volume of trees - Method and use”] ( Recommendation of the Forest Inventories Directorate: it is preferable to use the models for predicting the height and the gross market volume in the territories where they are available. In the absence of these models, it is still possible to use the LIN3 cubing rate.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).

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