Land Information Ontario (LIO) Topographic Data Cache

Land Information Ontario (LIO) Topographic Data Cache The LIO Topographic Data Cache is a collection of topographic data, that has been preprocessed for fast, seamless display at predefined scales. The topographic data includes constructed and natural features that make up Ontario’s landscape. The cache provides limited data from areas outside Ontario’s boundaries, such as the United States and adjacent provinces and territories. __Technical information__ Two versions of the LIO Topographic Data Cache are available: 1. The traditional raster version is available for a variety of GIS applications and is updated annually. 2. The vector version is suitable for online web map applications as well as modern GIS software and is updated twice a year. Contributing data layers may have different maintenance and update cycles. Some cache layers have been processed in a way that makes it easier for them to be displayed in a mapping product. Other layers are unchanged from the authoritative data. The cartographic symbology used in the data cache is intentionally muted to allow users to showcase their data. The LIO Topographic Data Cache is created from many source datasets, which are described in the LIO Topographic Data Cache user guide. If you are interested in getting this authoritative data, you can download it from the [Ontario GeoHub]( For instructions on getting a copy of either version of the cache for use in mapping applications, visit the [Ontario GeoHub]( 2024-05-15 Government of Ontario Economics and IndustryEnvironment and Natural ResourcesGovernment information LIO Topographic Data CacheHTML Le cache de données topographiques d’Information sur les terres de l’Ontario (ITO)HTML LIO Vector Topographic Data CacheHTML Cache de données topographiques vectorielles d’Information sur les terres de l’OntarioHTML Original metadata ( Original metadata ( LIO Topographic Data Cache (extracted from geohub)ESRI REST LIO Topographic Data Cache (extracted from geohub)ESRI REST (extracted from geohub)ESRI REST (extracted from geohub)ESRI REST

The LIO Topographic Data Cache is a collection of topographic data, that has been preprocessed for fast, seamless display at predefined scales. The topographic data includes constructed and natural features that make up Ontario’s landscape. The cache provides limited data from areas outside Ontario’s boundaries, such as the United States and adjacent provinces and territories. Technical information Two versions of the LIO Topographic Data Cache are available: 1. The traditional raster version is available for a variety of GIS applications and is updated annually. 2. The vector version is suitable for online web map applications as well as modern GIS software and is updated twice a year. Contributing data layers may have different maintenance and update cycles. Some cache layers have been processed in a way that makes it easier for them to be displayed in a mapping product. Other layers are unchanged from the authoritative data. The cartographic symbology used in the data cache is intentionally muted to allow users to showcase their data. The LIO Topographic Data Cache is created from many source datasets, which are described in the LIO Topographic Data Cache user guide. If you are interested in getting this authoritative data, you can download it from the Ontario GeoHub. For instructions on getting a copy of either version of the cache for use in mapping applications, visit the Ontario GeoHub.

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