First Nation Settlement Lands - 250k

First Nation Settlement Lands - 250k Yukon First Nations and Tetlit Gwich'in settlement lands including both rural blocks (R-block) and Fee Simple lands of the First Nations that have ratified their agreements. Settlement land is land identified in a first nation's final agreement as settlement land of the first nation. There are three types of settlement land that a Yukon First Nation can own and manage: Category A: complete ownership of surface and subsurface; Category B: complete ownership of the surface only; Fee Simple: private ownership. This data was built using the 1:250,000 National Topographic Data Base (NTDB) as the base and the 1:30,000 signed Territorial Research Base Maps (TRBM) to define the boundaries. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information: 2024-03-18 Government of Yukon Society and Cultureyukon territoryrural blockfirst nation settlement landyukony.t.fee simple landr-blockgeoyukonreferencewhaleGovernment information First Nation Settlement Lands - 250kHTML Original metadata ( First Nation Settlement Lands - 250kXML First Nation Settlement Lands - 250kother

Yukon First Nations and Tetlit Gwich'in settlement lands including both rural blocks (R-block) and Fee Simple lands of the First Nations that have ratified their agreements. Settlement land is land identified in a first nation's final agreement as settlement land of the first nation. There are three types of settlement land that a Yukon First Nation can own and manage: Category A: complete ownership of surface and subsurface; Category B: complete ownership of the surface only; Fee Simple: private ownership. This data was built using the 1:250,000 National Topographic Data Base (NTDB) as the base and the 1:30,000 signed Territorial Research Base Maps (TRBM) to define the boundaries. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information:

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