Business Innovation Internships

Business Innovation Internships The datasets relate to the Business Innovation Internships measure and the Mitacs Accelerate, Mitacs International Accelerate, and Mitacs Elevate programs, which are jointly funded by the Ministry of Economy and Innovation, participating businesses or NPOs, Mitacs, and the Government of Canada. This measure makes it possible to meet the strong demand of businesses for skilled labour in order to increase their innovative capacity. Both datasets contain information on internships supported financially by the Government of Quebec. The information in game 1 relates to student interns, universities or colleges in the field of study, and companies in the internship environment. Game 2 includes a field on the candidate's gender and therefore includes less information to ensure the anonymization of the data. 2023-07-13 Government and Municipalities of Québec Education and Training Field descriptionPDF Business innovation internships (gender combined), 2017-2018CSV Business innovation internships by gender, 2017-2018CSV Business Innovation Internships (gender combined), 2018-2019CSV Business innovation internships by gender, 2018-2019CSV Original metadata (

The datasets relate to the Business Innovation Internships measure and the Mitacs Accelerate, Mitacs International Accelerate, and Mitacs Elevate programs, which are jointly funded by the Ministry of Economy and Innovation, participating businesses or NPOs, Mitacs, and the Government of Canada. This measure makes it possible to meet the strong demand of businesses for skilled labour in order to increase their innovative capacity. Both datasets contain information on internships supported financially by the Government of Quebec. The information in game 1 relates to student interns, universities or colleges in the field of study, and companies in the internship environment. Game 2 includes a field on the candidate's gender and therefore includes less information to ensure the anonymization of the data.

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