Sustaining what we value: A natural heritage system for the Frontenac, Lanark, Leeds & Grenville area of eastern Ontario

Sustaining what we value: A natural heritage system for the Frontenac, Lanark, Leeds & Grenville area of eastern Ontario Get data on the results of a community led planning process to sustain the natural environment in Frontenac, Lanark, Leeds & Grenville. This dataset represents the results of a community led planning process to sustain the natural environment across the landscape. A collaborative team of individuals representing governments, stewardship councils, conservation organizations and private landowners worked together to identify and map natural heritage features and the connections between them. The data package includes: * spatial data * project reports * presentation materials The data has been made available to inform and support: * land use planning and resource management decision-making * strategic priorities for stewardship and restoration projects * priorities for conservation land acquisitions * priorities for inventory programs and research projects 2024-05-15 Government of Ontario Economics and IndustryEconomy and BusinessEnvironment and Natural ResourcesGovernmentGovernment information Access to Sustaining what we value: A natural heritage system for the Frontenac, Lanark, Leeds & Grenville area of eastern OntarioHTML Accès à Soutenir ce que nous apprécions : Un système du patrimoine naturel pour la région de Frontenac, Lanark, Leeds et Grenville, dans l’Est de l’OntarioHTML Original metadata ( Original metadata ( Sustaining what we value: A natural heritage system for the Frontenac, Lanark, Leeds & Grenville area of eastern Ontario (extracted from geohub)ZIP

Get data on the results of a community led planning process to sustain the natural environment in Frontenac, Lanark, Leeds & Grenville. This dataset represents the results of a community led planning process to sustain the natural environment across the landscape. A collaborative team of individuals representing governments, stewardship councils, conservation organizations and private landowners worked together to identify and map natural heritage features and the connections between them. The data package includes: * spatial data * project reports * presentation materials The data has been made available to inform and support: * land use planning and resource management decision-making * strategic priorities for stewardship and restoration projects * priorities for conservation land acquisitions * priorities for inventory programs and research projects

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