Ministry of Children and Youth Services Student Nutrition Program sites

Ministry of Children and Youth Services Student Nutrition Program sites The Student Nutrition Program helps provide healthy breakfasts, snacks and lunches to school-age kids across Ontario. This dataset contains a list of Student Nutrition Program sites at schools and community locations. The dataset contains: * school name * Ministry of Education school ID * school board * school address * program type (breakfast/morning meal, lunch, or snack) Where an address is not provided, the school or community location does not have a Ministry of Education school ID number. Some entries may appear to be duplicates but represent two separate programs in one school or community location. *[ID]: identification 2024-05-15 Government of Ontario Government and PoliticsHousing Communities and Social SupportHealth and wellness Data dictionaryXLSX snp siteinfo csv 20171206.csvCSV snp siteinfo csv 20171206 0.csvCSV Original metadata ( Original metadata (

The Student Nutrition Program helps provide healthy breakfasts, snacks and lunches to school-age kids across Ontario. This dataset contains a list of Student Nutrition Program sites at schools and community locations. The dataset contains: * school name * Ministry of Education school ID * school board * school address * program type (breakfast/morning meal, lunch, or snack) Where an address is not provided, the school or community location does not have a Ministry of Education school ID number. Some entries may appear to be duplicates but represent two separate programs in one school or community location. *[ID]: identification

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