Likelihood of Presence of Bottlenose Whales in Area Response Planning Pilot Areas

Likelihood of Presence of Bottlenose Whales in Area Response Planning Pilot Areas Likelihood of Presence of Bottlenose Whales in the Bay of Fundy and the Port Hawkesbury Area Response Plan. The Coastal Oceanography and Ecosystem Research section (DFO Science) reviewed reported opportunistic whale sightings and local knowledge sources to estimate areas where Northern Bottlenose Whales are seasonally present and delineate these areas. A version of this dataset was created for the National Environmental Emergency Center (NEEC) following their data model and is available for download in the Resources section. Cite this data as: Lazin, G., Hamer, A.,Corrigan, S., Bower, B., and Harvey, C. Data of: Likelihood of presence of Bottlenose Whale in Area Response Planning pilot areas. Published: June 2018. Coastal Ecosystems Science Division, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, St. Andrews, N.B. 2023-07-11 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Nature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyOceans Data DictionaryCSV NEEC Bottlenose Whale Presence MAR ARP PilotsFGDB/GDB NEEC Data DictionaryCSV Bottlenose Whale Presence MAR ARP PilotsFGDB/GDB Bottlenose Whale Presence MAR ARP PilotsESRI REST Bottlenose Whale Presence MAR ARP PilotsESRI REST

Likelihood of Presence of Bottlenose Whales in the Bay of Fundy and the Port Hawkesbury Area Response Plan. The Coastal Oceanography and Ecosystem Research section (DFO Science) reviewed reported opportunistic whale sightings and local knowledge sources to estimate areas where Northern Bottlenose Whales are seasonally present and delineate these areas.

A version of this dataset was created for the National Environmental Emergency Center (NEEC) following their data model and is available for download in the Resources section.

Cite this data as: Lazin, G., Hamer, A.,Corrigan, S., Bower, B., and Harvey, C. Data of: Likelihood of presence of Bottlenose Whale in Area Response Planning pilot areas. Published: June 2018. Coastal Ecosystems Science Division, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, St. Andrews, N.B.

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