North American Breeding Bird Survey: Population trends and annual indices for Canada, data-version 2012

North American Breeding Bird Survey: Population trends and annual indices for Canada, data-version 2012 Population trend estimates based on data collected through the North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS), for approximately 300 Canadian bird species. The trend results are Canadian trends and thus use data from Canadian BBS routes only. Results are updated annually; these estimates use BBS data from 1970 through 2012. Trends are presented for species, provinces, territories, Bird Conservation Regions (BCR), as well as the sub-regions that make up the analytical strata (intersections of BCRs and provinces/territories) for which there are sufficient BBS data for statistical analysis. These estimates were produced using a hierarchical Bayesian model, which differs from the maximum likelihood model that was used to generate BBS trend estimates prior to 2011. The estimates and details on statistical methods used are available on the BBS results website. The BBS is jointly coordinated by Environment Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Patuxent Wildlife Research Center. Any use of these BBS results for Canada should acknowledge the hundreds of skilled volunteers in Canada who have participated in the BBS over the years and those who have served as provincial or territorial coordinators for the BBS. 2022-02-21 Environment and Climate Change Canada Nature and EnvironmentPopulation trendBirdHierarchical Bayesian2012Annual IndexNature conservation BBS results website - EnglishHTML BBS results website - FrenchHTML BBS statistical methods - EnglishHTML BBS statistical methods - FrenchHTML

Population trend estimates based on data collected through the North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS), for approximately 300 Canadian bird species. The trend results are Canadian trends and thus use data from Canadian BBS routes only. Results are updated annually; these estimates use BBS data from 1970 through 2012. Trends are presented for species, provinces, territories, Bird Conservation Regions (BCR), as well as the sub-regions that make up the analytical strata (intersections of BCRs and provinces/territories) for which there are sufficient BBS data for statistical analysis.

These estimates were produced using a hierarchical Bayesian model, which differs from the maximum likelihood model that was used to generate BBS trend estimates prior to 2011. The estimates and details on statistical methods used are available on the BBS results website.

The BBS is jointly coordinated by Environment Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Patuxent Wildlife Research Center. Any use of these BBS results for Canada should acknowledge the hundreds of skilled volunteers in Canada who have participated in the BBS over the years and those who have served as provincial or territorial coordinators for the BBS.

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