Fisheries Sensitive Watersheds - Proposed

Fisheries Sensitive Watersheds - Proposed A Fisheries Sensitive Watershed (FSW) is a mapped area with specific management objectives intended to guide development activities which may adversely impact important fish values . FSWs within this set of data are currently in the review and consultation stage of the area designation process. As FSWs are designated they will be moved into the [Approved Fisheries Sensitive Watersheds]( dataset and thus often this dataset is empty. 2024-05-02 Government of British Columbia Nature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyFSWfisheries sensitive watershedspecified areaGovernment information BC Geographic Warehouse Custom DownloadHTML Original metadata ( WCP_FISH_SENS_WS_PROPOSED_SPKML WCP_FISH_SENS_WS_PROPOSED_SPWMS WCP_FISH_SENS_WS_PROPOSED_SPWMS

A Fisheries Sensitive Watershed (FSW) is a mapped area with specific management objectives intended to guide development activities which may adversely impact important fish values . FSWs within this set of data are currently in the review and consultation stage of the area designation process. As FSWs are designated they will be moved into the Approved Fisheries Sensitive Watersheds dataset and thus often this dataset is empty.

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